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Foteliki samochodowe dla dzieci Cybex

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You’re ready to leave with the Cybex Cloud T i-Size Plus Car Seat + Base T. Your little one enjoys comfortable and ergonomic car trips. With the included base you’ll have the car seat installed in no time. Use the car seat from birth until your child is about 24 months old (max. 13 kg.). This car seat is the perfect solution for your child’s first year of life. Grows with your child One of the striking features of this car seat is its ergonomic design, which offers optimal comfort for your baby during every ride. From birth, use the car seat with the removable insert. The cushion minimises the risk of the head tilting forward while sleeping. The headrest is adjustable to 12 heights, ensur…
2 304 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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You’re ready to leave with the Cybex Cloud T i-Size Plus Car Seat + Base T. Your little one enjoys comfortable and ergonomic car trips. With the included base you’ll have the car seat installed in no time. Use the car seat from birth until your child is about 24 months old (max. 13 kg.). This car seat is the perfect solution for your child’s first year of life. Grows with your child One of the striking features of this car seat is its ergonomic design, which offers optimal comfort for your baby during every ride. From birth, use the car seat with the removable insert. The cushion minimises the risk of the head tilting forward while sleeping. The headrest is adjustable to 12 heights, ensur…
2 304 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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You’re ready to leave with the Cybex Cloud T i-Size Plus Car Seat + Base T. Your little one enjoys comfortable and ergonomic car trips. With the included base you’ll have the car seat installed in no time. Use the car seat from birth until your child is about 24 months old (max. 13 kg.). This car seat is the perfect solution for your child’s first year of life. Grows with your child One of the striking features of this car seat is its ergonomic design, which offers optimal comfort for your baby during every ride. From birth, use the car seat with the removable insert. The cushion minimises the risk of the head tilting forward while sleeping. The headrest is adjustable to 12 heights, ensur…
2 304 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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You’re ready to leave with the Cybex Cloud T i-Size Car Seat + Base T. Your little one enjoys comfortable and ergonomic car trips. With the included base you’ll have the car seat installed in no time. Use the car seat from birth until your child is about 24 months old (max. 13 kg.). This car seat is the perfect solution for your child’s first year of life. Grows with your child One of the striking features of this car seat is its ergonomic design, which offers optimal comfort for your baby during every ride. From birth, use the car seat with the removable insert. The cushion minimises the risk of the head tilting forward while sleeping. The headrest is adjustable to 12 heights, ensuring comfor…
2 173 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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You’re ready to leave with the Cybex Cloud T i-Size Car Seat + Base T. Your little one enjoys comfortable and ergonomic car trips. With the included base you’ll have the car seat installed in no time. Use the car seat from birth until your child is about 24 months old (max. 13 kg.). This car seat is the perfect solution for your child’s first year of life. Grows with your child One of the striking features of this car seat is its ergonomic design, which offers optimal comfort for your baby during every ride. From birth, use the car seat with the removable insert. The cushion minimises the risk of the head tilting forward while sleeping. The headrest is adjustable to 12 heights, ensuring comfor…
2 173 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Your little one will experience comfortable car journeys with the Cybex Cloud G i-Size Car Seat + Base G. With the included base, you attach the car seat in the car in no time. This seat is suitable from birth to around 24 months old. With the newborn inlay, your child is well supported from birth. And the specially designed reclining position supports your child both in and out of the car, helping their posture as they grow. Comfortable from day one Take car trips from birth with this car seat. The comfortable seat has a newborn inlay so your child is well supported. The headrest is adjustable to 14 positions and the seat can recline completely. The all-round air ventilation and the retractable …
2 000 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Your little one will experience comfortable car journeys with the Cybex Cloud G i-Size Car Seat + Base G. With the included base, you attach the car seat in the car in no time. This seat is suitable from birth to around 24 months old. With the newborn inlay, your child is well supported from birth. And the specially designed reclining position supports your child both in and out of the car, helping their posture as they grow. Comfortable from day one Take car trips from birth with this car seat. The comfortable seat has a newborn inlay so your child is well supported. The headrest is adjustable to 14 positions and the seat can recline completely. The all-round air ventilation and the retractable …
2 000 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Travelling by car with your little one becomes a lot easier with the Cybex Base T. Install the base in the car by using the ISOFIX anchoring points. In seconds you can attach compatible car seats to the base. The innovative rotation mechanism of the Cybex Base T makes it simple to swivel the car seat towards the car door, making it easier to get your child in and out of the car. Installation Installation is safe and easy thanks to the ISOFIX anchoring points. Lower the front support leg until it rests on the bottom of the car. This support leg allows the Cybex Base T to stand firmly in the car and prevents a tipping effect. Visual indicators show whether the installation is correct. Swivel …
1 087 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Wykonana z 85% bawełny i 15% poliestru. Zapewnia dziecku komfort i chłód w gorące letnie dni.
222 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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CYBEX Aton Base 2 Isofix Base Black to w pełni regulowana i bezpieczna baza przeznaczona specjalnie dla fotelików samochodowych CYBEX Aton. Baza zapewnia bezpieczne i stabilne połączenie z pojazdem za pomocą systemu Isofix, zapewniając maksymalne bezpieczeństwo Twojemu dziecku podczas podróży samochodem.Baza posiada kolorowe wskaźniki, które dokładnie pokazują, kiedy fotelik samochodowy został prawidłowo zainstalowany, minimalizując ryzyko nieprawidłowej instalacji. Posiada również regulowaną nóżkę podporową, która zapewnia dodatkową stabilność bazie i pochłania uderzenia w przypadku kolizji.Dzięki prostej i intuicyjnej konstrukcji CYBEX Aton Base 2 Isofix Base Black umożliwia łatwą instalac…
416 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Ultra lekki:Foteliki samochodowe dla niemowląt Cybex są imponująco lekkie, dzięki czemu przenoszenie i instalacja są dziecięcą zabawą. Zapewniają większy komfort rodzicom i większe bezpieczeństwo dziecka. Jednocześnie nosidełka dla niemowląt spełniają najwyższe oczekiwania w zakresie wzornictwa, komfortu, funkcjonalności i bezpieczeństwa.Zintegrowany składany daszek:Zintegrowany składany daszek przeciwsłoneczny zapewnia optymalną ochronę delikatnej i delikatnej skóry. 2-pozycyjna budka tego nosidełka jest łatwa w użyciu i zapewnia optymalną ochronę. Zadaszenie wsuwa się pod roletę ochronną, gdy nie jest używana.System podróżny Cybex:Fotelik samochodowy dla niemowląt można bez wysiłku przekszta…
376 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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CYBEX przedstawia nowy fotelik samochodowy dla niemowląt Aton B2 i-Size.Opracowany zgodnie z najnowszymi standardami bezpieczeństwa, wyposażony jest w liniową ochronę przed uderzeniem bocznym, która niezawodnie chroni Twoje dziecko podczas podróży.Dodatkowo wyjmowana wkładka dla noworodka i zagłówek z regulacją wysokości zapewniają maksymalny komfort przez pierwsze dwa lata.Ważący 3,9 kg Aton B2 i-Size jest nie tylko lekki, ale także łatwy w obsłudze po jeździe.Jest kompatybilny z wózkami CYBEX i innymi wybranymi markami.Składana budka przeciwsłoneczna USF50+ XXL w Aton B2 i-Size chroni przed słońcem i wiatrem nawet poza samochodem.Dzięki temu fotelikowi Ty i Twoje dziecko możecie bezpieczni…
934 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Cybex Pallas G i-Size - fotelik samochodowy ~9-50kg Kolor/wzór: Lava Grey Cybex Pallas G i-Size to fotelik z unikatowym system ochrony tułowia, który pozwoli...
946 zł

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