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Fotelik samochodowy BeSafe Stretch B

Zdjęcia - Fotelik samochodowy BeSafe Stretch B
Zdjęcia 15
BeSafe Stretch B
Grupa wagowa
0+ (0 – 13 kg)
I (9 – 18 kg)
II (15 – 25 kg)
III (22 – 36 kg)
Wynik testów bezpieczeństwa ADAC
bardzo dobrze (< 1,5) / 1.2 /
Grupa wiekowa
1 – 12 miesięcy
8 – 48 miesięcy
3 – 7 lat
6 – 12 lat
pasem bezpieczeństwa
noga podpierająca
Kierunek montażu
przodem do kierunku jazdy
tyłem do kierunku jazdy
regulacja kąta pochylenia oparcia
regulacja wysokości zagłówka
regulacja wysokości pasów
zdejmowana tapicerka
Dodatkowa ochrona boczna
Rodzaj pasów
12.5 kg
Kraj pochodzenia marki
Oficjalna strona
Data dodania do E-Katalog
grudzień 2022

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Kup BeSafe Stretch B

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BeSafe Stretch Car Seat

The BeSafe Stretch is a car seat that has been developed to transport children rearfacing for longer. Because rearfacing car seats are up to 5 times safer. The BeSafe Stretch is suitable from 6 months up to approximately 7 years (1,25 meter). Moreover, there is no risk of outgrowing the seat due to weight first, as it has a carrying capacity of u... więcejp to 36 kg. Unique safety concept Every effort has been made to make this car seat as safe as possible. The BeSafe Stretch Car Seat even has a unique safety concept, the Exo frame construction. The Exo frame connects to the seatbelt and the floor to absorb forces in a frontal collision. The sturdy seat shell transports the child’s energy to the Exo frame, keeping the child safely in the same seating position throughout the impact. Suitable for any car You can easily attach the BeSafe Stretch in your car with the seatbelt. Therefore it can be installed on car seats without ISOFIX anchorage points. And not the
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
2 996 

Besafe Fotelik Samochodowy Stretch Rwf - Blue Melange

BeSafe Fotelik samochodowy Stretch 9-36KG/125CM Chcesz przewozić swoje dziecko tyłem do kierunku jazdy najdłużej jak to możliwe i zapewnić mu jednocześnie do...
Złóż skargę
2 447 

BeSafe Stretch Car Seat

The BeSafe Stretch is a car seat that has been developed to transport children rearfacing for longer. Because rearfacing car seats are up to 5 times safer. The BeSafe Stretch is suitable from 6 months up to approximately 7 years (1,25 meter). Moreover, there is no risk of outgrowing the seat due to weight first, as it has a carrying capacity of u... więcejp to 36 kg. Unique safety concept Every effort has been made to make this car seat as safe as possible. The BeSafe Stretch Car Seat even has a unique safety concept, the Exo frame construction. The Exo frame connects to the seatbelt and the floor to absorb forces in a frontal collision. The sturdy seat shell transports the child’s energy to the Exo frame, keeping the child safely in the same seating position throughout the impact. Suitable for any car You can easily attach the BeSafe Stretch in your car with the seatbelt. Therefore it can be installed on car seats without ISOFIX anchorage points. And not the
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
2 861 

Besafe Fotelik Samochodowy Stretch Rwf - Sea Green Melange

BeSafe Fotelik samochodowy Stretch 9-36KG/125CM Chcesz przewozić swoje dziecko tyłem do kierunku jazdy najdłużej jak to możliwe i zapewnić mu jednocześnie do...
Złóż skargę
2 897 

Dynamika cen dla BeSafe Stretch B

  • Minimalna
  • Średnia
  • Maksymalna