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Masażery do ciała Makeup Revolution

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Makeup Revolution
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Transform your skincare routine with Revolution Skincare's White Jade Roller. Perfect for people that love to make a ritual out of their beauty treatments, as the roller allows you to experience a salon-worthy process from the comfort of your own home. Cooling and refreshing, the white jade roller glides effortlessly across your face, working to minimise the appearance of puffiness and dark circles. Inspired by ancient and sacred Chinese medicine used for centuries, the stone is rumoured to assist with promoting a more toned appearance, while offering a soothing massage at the same time. Ideal for people that love to recharge and unwind after a challenging day, the white jade stone roller is …
Cena od 55 zł
Porównaj ceny i kup Revolution Skincare White Jade Roller 1370141
55 zł
65 zł
78 zł
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