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Zabawki do kąpieli Jumper

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Protect your child while swimming with this beautiful Swim Essentials Puddle Jumper 2-6 years. This will give you the piece of mind to enjoy the water together, without any worries. It is also very co więcej→mfortable and gives your child enough flexibility to move. The vest is not inflatable, so it will not leak. This vest is suitable for children between the age of 2 to 6, with a maximum weight of 30 kg.
Note: Only use the puddle jumper under parental supervision.
- puddle jumper
- age: 2-6 years / 15-30 kg.
- provided with a nice packaging made of recycled cardboard
- material: foam
- weight: 0.2 kg.
- sizes: 55x32x13 cm.
- complies with all European regulations and legislation
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