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Ігри Clan

 ціни на 16 моделей  
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Worms™ Clan Wars to największa i najlepsza jak dotychczas gra z serii Worms™ - większe plansze, a także więcej niż kiedykolwiek robali, dynamicznej wody, broni i przedmiotów do modyfikacji. Worms™ Cla ще→n Wars to gra, której celem jest wykorzystanie pełni możliwości komputerów osobistych nowej generacji. Gra jest wyposażona w doskonałą grafikę 3D (choć wciąż zachowuje klasyczny, dwuwymiarowy model rozgrywki) wzbogaconą o nowe efekty oświetlenia, nowe funkcje społecznościowe, ciekawe dodatki poprawiające grę w trybie solowym, a także inne elementy, którymi nie wzgardzi żaden prawdziwy fan serii Worms.
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Worms™ Clan Wars brings friends and families together in the noble pursuit of self‐improvement, world domination and exploding sheep. Worms™ Clan Wars is the biggest and best Worms™ game to date - mor ще→e worms, larger landscapes, more dynamic water, more weapons and more customisation items than ever before. Worms™ Clan Wars is designed to take full advantage of next gen PC hardware. It features beautiful high definition 3D visuals (but still retains the classic 2D gameplay) with new lighting effects, new features to help users interact socially, exciting additions to improve the single player experience, and more of everything a Worms fan could want. Form Clans, Take On The World
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The Otomo Clan Pack adds a new playable faction to Total War: SHOGUN 2 for use in single or multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer Battles. Having forged an early alliance with Portugue ще→se traders, The Otomo Clan reaps great economic and military benefits from its wealthy, gun-toting ally and in doing so, the clan has allowed Catholicism to flourish among the people of its domain. Key Features: Clan Trait: Master Gunners Can Recruit Cheaper Gunpowder Units (-10%) Missionary Actions Are Cheaper (-15%) Improved Conversion to Clan Religion (+2) Faster Import Of Matchlock Ashigaru Units (-3) New Units Portugese Tercos (foot, Ranged, Melee) Armed with matchlock rifles and swords,
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The Hattori Clan Pack includes all four unlocks previously only available in the Total War: SHOGUN 2 Limited Edition. Key Features: The Hattori clan are masters of the Iga-ryu ninjutsu - a unique coll ще→ection of martial skills and guerrilla techniques. This additional in-game faction is available for use in single or multiplayer Campaign modes and Custom and Multiplayer Battles. It includes the most powerful battlefield ninja units. The Battle of Nagashino (historical scenario) saw an alliance between the Oda and Tokugawa clans clashing against the legendary Takeda clan in 1575. Takeda was ultimately defeated but, as in all Total War battles, victory lies in your hands and by playing one of
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Led by Andhrímnir, the Clan of the Squirrel knows better than most how to enjoy the present moment but not at the expense of being farsighted and expert at managing resources. Their talented cooks are ще→able to produce delicious meals that improve the abilities of the clan and their allies. For all that, their warriors and prowess on the battlefield should not be underestimated! Furthermore, with Ratatoskr as their totem animal, the clan is also adept at using manipulation and sowing discord in order to further their goals! Named in after theÆsir’s cook, Andhrímnir displayed unprecedented skills in the culinary arts from a young age, despite fierce competition within the clan. As fearless
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Sváfnir, the Clan of the Snake is a DLC for Northgard that introduces a new kind of vikings. Led by their ferocious leader, Signy, the Spear Maiden, these outlandish vikings arrived on Northgard. Thes ще→e aren't your typical prideful vikings, the Clan of the Snake is known for using any kind of effective and devastating guerilla tactics in order to ravage their enemies. Open warfare is for fools that seek fame and honor. The war chief in charge of this clan is available at the start of the game. Her martial skills are a tiny bit better than that of a Warrior's, but once Signy grows older, her powers increase exponentially and she unlocks new abilities.“Scorched Earth” is the most potent
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Led by Torfin, an ancient leader who returned to help his progeny, it is known for its tremendous might and unrelenting devotion to its ancestors. While they may not be the fastest starters, once they ще→'ve gained some momentum, they can crush anyone and anything in their way. Your Warchief is the powerful Torfin. Torfin can find Ancestral Equipment from Ancient Battlegrounds and equip them to become even stronger. Your units are tougher, larger and eat 10% more than the other clans. Your units have a +15% attack power and defence bonus. Specialized civilian units have a +30% base production bonus, except loremasters. Buildings can hold only one unit, and houses hold less people. An imposing
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Led by Mielikki, the Beastmaster, the Clan of the Lynx have an exceptional connection with nature. Proud Hunters, their excellent archery skills and unique luring technique are more than enough to ens ще→ure the ongoing prosperity of their people. The Clan adopted the graceful but threatening lynx’s Brundr& Kaelinn when they were just cubs, raising them to serve as the eyes of the clans esteemed leader and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.  Earn Hunting Trophies on animal kills.  You can summon Brundr and Kaelinn to your Training Camp. Mielikki the Beastmaster is weaker than other warchiefs but does not cost iron.  The Archery Range replaces the Axe Thrower Camp. The
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Led by Mielikki, the Beastmaster, the Clan of the Lynx have an exceptional connection with nature. Proud Hunters, their excellent archery skills and unique luring technique are more than enough to ens ще→ure the ongoing prosperity of their people. The Clan adopted the graceful but threatening lynx’s Brundr& Kaelinn when they were just cubs, raising them to serve as the eyes of the clans esteemed leader and a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.  Earn Hunting Trophies on animal kills.  You can summon Brundr and Kaelinn to your Training Camp. Mielikki the Beastmaster is weaker than other warchiefs but does not cost iron.  The Archery Range replaces the Axe Thrower Camp. The
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The Clan of the Kraken knows first hand how dangerous the sea can be. They worship the gigantic creature, fearing it's brutal might, honoring it's instinctual knowledge, and using its powers when he d ще→eigns bestow them. The Clan of the Kraken cannot build Longship Docks as it knows how dangerous the seas can be. They have access to a new exclusive food building: The Fishery, allowing them to send fishermen on coastal zones to produce food. The Hörgr is the second exclusive building for the Clan of the Kraken. You can assign female villagers to this building, turning them into Norns. You can assign 2 of them to this building (3 if upgraded). When assigned to the Horgr, Norns will produce a
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Northgard - Svardilfari, Clan of the Horse DLC introduces a brand new clan to the game. The Svardilfari are led by two spirited siblings called Eitria and Brok. This is a clan that is known for its im ще→peccable crafting skills. They don't talk much, they're very resolute, and if you need a clan that is going to excel at building and repairing, the Clan of the Horse will be perfect for that. The Clan of the Horse has some very specific advantages. Brok and Eitria are the two Warchiefs that are recruited in the Forge and not in the Military Camps. Both of them are able to forge, mine ore, and fight enemies. The normal Forge is replaced by Völund's Forge (increases forging speed by 20%), and
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Carried by the winds, the agile explorers of Hraesvelg do not need to occupy a large territory, for they will readily venture outside to gather resources. Their profound knowledge of the terrain and t ще→heir ability to exploit it to its fullest allows them to survive in the most desolate of areas. They are led by Grif, the sole survivor of a fallen clan. Orphaned upon the fall of their parent’s clan, Grif was adopted at a young age by the followers of Hraesvelg. This demonstration of adaptability made them a perfect leader for the Eagle clan. Falconers can be assigned to Aviaries to explore uncharted lands, releasing Hawks that will gather resources on Boneyards and assist your sentinels.
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The most alien of all clans, the Dragons follow ancient customs and embrace freakish traditions. They use sacrifice and slavery to further their goals, often earning the other clan's distrust.  Your c ще→ivilians can go into neutral territory. No Happiness or Production penalty for being wounded. You start with a Sacrificial Pyre. You can build a Dragonkin Altar instead of other military buildings. You start with 2 Thralls. You can buy thralls from your Longship Dock  Slavery is an important part of the clan’s economy. Like the regular civilians, thralls can travel in neutral territory and fight. Thralls do not count towards your population and do not require housing. Their maximum number is
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Clan of Champions is a game that you can play with or against friends online. Each match will last around ten minutes. Of course, you can play this game by yourself, but you can ask for your friends' ще→help with difficult missions, or fight against them as part of your training. Their goal is simple: to become the champion. Alliances will be made and shattered, bonds will be forged and broken. When your life is on the line, it's every warrior for themselves in the battle-hardened online arena known as Clan of Champions! Blast your foes with short-range magic spells, or engage in brutal physical combat! Combine your physical skills with passive abilities to create the ultimate warrior. Team up
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Set in the mythical land of Hibernia, Clan O'Conall and the Crown of the Stag is a hand-drawn action-platformer featuring iconic settings and characters from Celtic folklore and mythology. The Mother ще→of Demons, Caoránach, has kidnapped Chief Arden and stolen the ancient Crown of the Stag. With it, she wishes to undo a generations-old peace between the Mortals of Hibernia and the Fae Folk. All that stands between her and total calamity are the three inheritors of Clan O'Conall: Swordmaster Kilcannon, Huntress Clakshot, and Haggish the Brute. Hero-Swapping Action-Adventure! In Clan O'Conall, three heroes become one, as you combine the powers of the heirs O'Conall together to cross incredible
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The ultimate Clan Creator bundle for Yakuza Kiwami 2! This bundle includes ALL the DLC from the console version, including the super, super rare (SSR) Clan Creator Leaders and Packs as well as two exc ще→lusive weapons, the Kiwami Machine Gun and the Kiwami Demon Blade! Retrieve the Clan Creator Leader cards from a delivery box inside New Serena or Aoi. Kazuma Kiryu Clan Creator Leader (SSR) Kiryu's unique skill“Dragon of Dojima” summons lighting and deals major stun damage to enemies in the surrounding area. Ryuji Goda Clan Creator Leader (SSR) Goda's unique skill“Dragon of Kansai” summons a tornado of fire to deal major burn damage to enemies in the surrounding area. Kaoru Sayama Clan
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