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Nianie elektroniczne Maximum

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You can control the EBO SE remotely using the EBO app and access your home from anywhere in the world, you can also access the 2 way communication, because Ebao is equipped with microphones and speakers. This allows you to have a ture live 2 way communication. The EBO SE has built-in high-performance TOF sensors, that reduces robot collisions and move more flexibly and freely around. If you have activated the Auto Cruise mode, the EBO SE will automatically return to the charging station, just like a robot vacuum cleaner. If you have activated a time based patrol, the EBO SE will automatically leave the charging station and return again. The EBO SE will send you a crystal clear picture/ videos,…
Cena od 476 zł
Porównaj ceny i kup Maximum Enabot - Ebo SE - (WH287301)
476 zł
553 zł
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