
Taśmy i tarcze szlifierskie

 ceny na 4440 modele  

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Do 2 razy szybszy ni? standardowa papier ?cierny - Szlifowanie du?ych powierzchni jest czasoch?onne: Wiele papierów ?ciernych szybko zatyka si? py?em i traci swoj? zdolno?? ?cierania, co wyd?u?a proce więcej→s szlifowania. Dzi?ki po??czeniu ostrych ziaren z technologi? zapobiegaj?c? zatykaniu, papier ?cierny Expert C470 zachowuje swoje specjalne w?a?ciwo?ci. Oznacza to, ?e mo?esz pracowa? szybciej i d?u?ej bez kompromitowania wyniku szlifowania. Aby osi?gn?? najlepsz? mo?liw? powierzchni? szlifowania, nasza metoda produkcji agresywnej orientacji ziaren polega na ustawieniu ich w taki sposób, aby ich najostrzejsza strona by?a na górze. Nast?pnie pokrywamy je mocnym klejem i pow?ok? zapobiegaj?c? zatykaniu. To…

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Bosch 2 608 901 113 narz?dzie obrotowe do szlifowania/ materia? eksploatacyjny Drewno Arkusz szlifierski

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F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater więcej→ial removal for professional results. In addition, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is developed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite material as well as intermediate sanding in painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding of varnish, paint, primer, putty and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

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Arkusz papieru ?ciernego, dla twarde drewno, drewno malowane, 5 sztuki, okr?g, ziarno: P60, 150 mm

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Up to 2 times faster than standard sandpaper - Sanding large surfaces is time consuming: Many sandpapers quickly become clogged with dust and lose their abrasiveness, making the actual sanding process więcej→take more time. By combining sharp grains with special technology that prevents clogging, Expert C470 sandpaper retains its special capabilities. This means you can work faster and longer without compromising the sanding result. To achieve the best possible sanding surface, our production method for aggressive grain alignment involves orienting the grains so that their sharpest side is on top. Then we cover them with a strong bond and a coating to prevent clogging. This, along with optimum grain …

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Arkusz papieru ?ciernego, dla twarde drewno, drewno malowane, 5 sztuki, okr?g, ziarno: P240, 125 mm

Złóż skargę
F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater więcej→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures consistent dust removal to prevent clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

Złóż skargę
F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater więcej→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

Złóż skargę
F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater więcej→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

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Pas szlifuj?cy, dla drewno, 3 sztuki, ziarno: 80, 65 mm x 410 mm

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Pas szlifuj?cy, dla drewno, 3 sztuki, ziarno: 150, 60 mm x 400 mm

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Pas szlifuj?cy, dla drewno, metal, p?yta wiórowa, twarde drewno, p?yty budowlane, prostok?t, ziarno: 100, 60 mm x 400 mm (pakiet 3)

Złóż skargę
The F460 Best for Wood and Paint ensures exceptional finish when sanding and grinding wood as well as painted surfaces. Its F/E backing pads are extremely durable, allowing for continuous sanding and więcej→providing professional results. In addition, the semi-loose quality abrasive grains of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide material remove material with extreme precision, ensuring perfect surface results. The sanding sheet is designed for flat sanding of edges and edge strips, processing of smaller surfaces as well as medium-fine and fine grinding of surfaces, edges, and folds. The sanding sheet is also ideal for roughening up and intermediate grinding of primers, putty filler, and lacquer. The …

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F460 Best for Wood and Paint ensures exceptional finishing when sanding and grinding wood as well as painted surfaces. Its F/E backing pads are extremely durable, allowing for continuous sanding and p więcej→roviding professional results. Additionally, the semi-open quality abrasive grains of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide remove material with utmost precision, ensuring perfect surface results. The sanding sheet is designed for flat sanding of edges and edge strips, processing smaller surfaces as well as medium-fine and fine sanding of surfaces, edges, and folds. The sandpaper is also ideal for roughening up or intermediate grinding of primers, putty fillers, and lacquer. The blade is covered with …

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Pas szlifuj?cy, dla drewno, 3 sztuki, ziarno: 100, 75 mm x 457 mm

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X440 Najlepszy do drewna i farby usuwa materia? z imponuj?c? pr?dko?ci? podczas szlifowania starych pow?ok malarskich, lakieru lub powierzchni drewnianych. Silne ziarna ?cierniwa pó?-luzem z tlenku gl więcej→inu gwarantuj? skuteczne szlifowanie. Dodatkowo, materia? podk?adu wykonany jest z wytrzyma?ego X-materia?u z jako?ciowym po??czeniem ta?my zapewniaj?cym wysok? wytrzyma?o?? podczas wymagaj?cej pracy. Ponadto, ziarna s? pokryte elektrostatyczn? otwart? powierzchni? zapewniaj?c równomierne usuwanie py?u i nieprzerwane szlifowanie. Ten produkt przeznaczony jest do szlifowania drewnianych i pomalowanych powierzchni oraz nadaje si? do wyg?adzania kraw?dzi. Produkt jest równie? idealny do p?askiego szl…

Złóż skargę
Bosch 2 608 900 835 narz?dzie obrotowe do szlifowania/ materia? eksploatacyjny Drewno Arkusz szlifierski

Złóż skargę
Ta?ma szlifierska do drewna, farby, lakieru, 3 sztuki, ziarnisto??: 40, 75 mm x 457 mm

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Zestaw arkuszy szlifierskich do drewna i farby, 10 sztuk, prostok?tne, ziarnisto??: 80, 93 mm x 186 mm

Złóż skargę
F460 Best for Wood and Paint ensures exceptional finishing when sanding and grinding wood as well as painted surfaces. Its F/E backing pads are extremely durable, allowing for continuous sanding and p więcej→roviding professional results. Additionally, the semi-open quality abrasive grains of aluminum oxide and silicon carbide remove material with utmost precision, ensuring perfect surface results. The sanding sheet is designed for flat sanding of edges and edge strips, processing smaller surfaces as well as medium-fine and fine sanding of surfaces, edges, and folds. The sandpaper is also ideal for roughening up or intermediate grinding of primers, putty fillers, and lacquer. The blade is covered with …

Złóż skargę
Pas szlifuj?cy, dla drewno, 3 sztuki, ziarno: 100, 65 mm x 410 mm

Złóż skargę
Pas szlifuj?cy, dla drewno, 3 sztuki, ziarno: 120, 75 mm x 457 mm

Złóż skargę
F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater więcej→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

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Sanding belt set, dla drewno, metal, p?yta wiórowa, twarde drewno, 3 sztuki, ziarno: 60, 80, 100, 75 mm x 457 mm
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