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Ochraniacze na łokcie i kolana

 ceny na 72 modele  
Ochraniacz kolan Held Citysafe to certyfikowany ochraniacz marki SAS-TEC CE-level 2, przeznaczony do zakładania na spodnie. Zapewnia wysoki poziom ochrony or...
349 zł

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John Doe XTM Level 1 Unisex Elbow Shoulder Protectors A set of two protector pads that you can use for your elbow or shoulder. These XTM protectors give you Level 1 protection. XTM Protectors The John Doe XTM protectors pads are moulded out of viscoelastic foam which is ultra flexible to adapt to every move but also posesses outstanding shock absorption capabilities in case of a high velocity impact. The anatomically pre-curved shape and ventilation regulated climate increase the wearing comfort even further. - John Doe XTM Level 1 Unisex Elbow/Shoulder Protectors Size
65 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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John Doe XTM Knee Elbow Shoulder Protectors Level 1 Set of John Doe XTM knee/elbow/shoulder protectors, level 1. These lightweight protectors have a flat design, which makes them comfortable to wear and perfectly suitable for tight-fitting clothes. Suitable for knee, elbow and shoulder pockets. Dimensions: 22cm x 13.5cm / 8.5in x 5.3in (L x W, along the curved shape) XTM Protectors These John Doe XTM protectors are moulded out of a specific formulated TPU structure which is ultra flexible to adapt to every move but also posesses outstanding shock absorption capalities in case of a high velocity impact. The anatomically pre-curved shape combined with maximum flexibility gives you a perfect fit …
87 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Dainese Elbow Slider RSS 4.0 Black Anthracite The Replaceable Slider System (RSS) 4.0 showcases redesigned slider profiles, delivering the lightest construction yet for leather suits and jackets. Seamlessly integrated into the metal plate, the RRS 4.0 elbow slider system significantly reduces weight while enhancing fit and usability. Engineered to accommodate two distinct positions tailored to riding style, lean angle, and preference, adjustment is effortlessly achieved with a single click. This innovative system streamlines slider replacement, requiring no tools and ensuring dependable performance. So what is RSS? Lightweight replacement elbow slider with two possible positions, with Replaceable …
156 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Nałokietniki kartingowe Sparco (FIA)
Kołnierz ochronny kartingowy Alpinestars Sequence czarno-niebieski
Kołnierz ochronny kartingowy Alpinestars Sequence czarno-pomarańczowy
Kołnierz ochronny kartingowy Alpinestars Sequence
Kołnierz ochronny OMP z wypustką czarny
Ochraniacze - nałokietniki OMP NOMEX
Kołnierz ochronny z wypustką OMP NOMEX czarny
Kołnierz ochronny kartingowy Alpinestars
Kołnierz ochronny kartingowy Alpinestars
MIL-TEC Ochraniacze na Łokcie BLACK Ochraniacze na łokcie od niemieckiego producenta Mil-Tec. Zapewniają ochronę łokci podczas działań taktycznych, szkoleń, ...
59 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Katalog ochraniaczy na łokcie i kolana 2024 - nowości, hity sprzedaży, kupić ochraniacze na łokcie i kolana.