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Pozostałe zabawki Small Foot - Wooden Pull-along Dog

Zdjęcia - Pozostałe zabawki Small Foot - Wooden Pull-along Dog
Small Foot - Wooden Pull-along Dog
od 91 

Kup Small Foot - Wooden Pull-along Dog

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Small Foot Design, zabawka do ciągnięcia Piesek

zachęca do zwiększonej aktywności ruchowej wykonana z drewna żywa kolorystyka ciągnięcie zabawki na sznurku poprawia ogólną koordynację ruchową i równowagę m...
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Small Foot - Wooden Pull-along Dog

Woof woof! Small children can pull this dog behind them. Its wheels have rubber rings to reduce noise. He wags his ears and tail and cuts a good figure at every turn. A bone on a string serves as a reward. Small children can pull this dog behind them. Its wheels have rubber rings to reduce noise. He wags his ears and tail and cuts a good figure at... więcejevery turn. A bone on a string serves as a reward. Dimensions: approx. 21 x 6 x 11 cm. Suitable for children from 12 months old.
Złóż skargę
Woof woof! Small children can pull this dog behind them. Its wheels have rubber rings to reduce noise. He wags his ears and tail and cuts a good figure at every turn. A bone on a string serves as a reward. Small children can pull this dog behind them. Its wheels have rubber rings to reduce noise. He wags his ears and tail and cuts a good figure at every turn. A bone on a string serves as a reward. Dimensions: approx. 21 x 6 x 11 cm. Suitable for children from 12 months old.
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