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Pozostałe zabawki Small Foot - Wooden Matryoshka Doll Bear Family

Zdjęcia - Pozostałe zabawki Small Foot - Wooden Matryoshka Doll Bear Family
Small Foot - Wooden Matryoshka Doll Bear Family
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Small Foot, zabawka edukacyjna Matrioszka Misie

4 kolorowe figurki misiów wykonane z drewna nauka kolorów oraz sortowania przedmiotów ze względu na wielkość wspomaga naukę pojęć mały- duży, mniejszy- więks...
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Small Foot, zabawka edukacyjna Matrioszka Misie

4 kolorowe figurki misiów wykonane z drewna nauka kolorów oraz sortowania przedmiotów ze względu na wielkość wspomaga naukę pojęć mały- duży, mniejszy- więks...
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Small Foot - Wooden Matryoshka Doll Bear Family

The bears are loose! These four cute Matryoshka figures stack together easily. The wooden puppets are painted in great detail and provide great exercise for hand-eye coordination. Whoever opens Papa Bear gets a surprise: Mama Bear appears, and when she is opened, the two baby bears appear! These cute figurines can also be placed next to each other... więcejin terms of size, creating opportunities for great storytelling. The charming Matryoshka bear figurines are versatile toys and an evergreen in the nursery!
Złóż skargę
The bears are loose! These four cute Matryoshka figures stack together easily. The wooden puppets are painted in great detail and provide great exercise for hand-eye coordination. Whoever opens Papa Bear gets a surprise: Mama Bear appears, and when she is opened, the two baby bears appear! These cute figurines can also be placed next to each other in terms of size, creating opportunities for great storytelling. The charming Matryoshka bear figurines are versatile toys and an evergreen in the nursery!
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