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Wiertło (świder) Bosch METALBOR POINTTEC HSS-R 6.2MM 10STK

Zdjęcia - Wiertło (świder) Bosch METALBOR POINTTEC HSS-R 6.2MM 10STK
Wkrótce w sprzedaży
The HSS spiral drill with PointTeQ allows for fast drilling in metal thanks to the design of the tip with PointTeQ. It is quick and easy to start drilling as the self-centering tip prevents wandering. Due to the increased drilling speed, less heat and wear are generated. The PointTeQ tip design ensures that it remains sharp and has a long lifespan. This drill is suitable for drilling in alloyed and non-alloyed steel, non-ferrous metals, cast steel, cast iron, and plastic. There is low risk of breakage, especially for drills with a diameter under 6 mm as they are made with an extremely flexible core. Its black oxide coating ensures fast chip removal. The HSS PointTeQ spiral drill is manufactured according to DIN 338 standards. The drill type is N (notched angle) with a 135-degree point angle. It has a cylindrical shank system (the shank has the same diameter as hammer drills) and is intended for use in drill stands and screwdrivers. Package of 10 pieces.
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