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Pozostałe pamiątki

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Skutecznie zdezynfekuj dowolny ma?y przedmiot, tak jak telefon lub klucze, w tym sterylizatorze UV. Sterylnik UV posiada funkcj? bezprzewodowego ?adowania, dzi?ki czemu mo?na ?adowa? telefon podczas d więcej→ezynfekcji. Jego kompaktowy design sprawia, ?e ???atwo go przenosi? w torbie. Zdezynfekuj dowolny ma?y przedmiot po prostu umieszczaj?c go w sterylizatorze i wybieraj?c czas od 10 do 30 minut w zale?no?ci od stopnia ska?enia. Sterylnik UV zawiera kabel USB-C i instrukcj? obs?ugi.

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Od wieków Moai strzeg?y Wyspy Wielkanocnej, teraz mo?esz mie? swoj? w?asn?. Doniczka Moai jest atrakcyjna w ka?dym domu lub ogrodzie ze wzgl?du na swój unikalny wygl?d i wysoko?? 40 cm. Odlana z beton więcej→u, doniczka Moai mo?e by? u?ywana zarówno wewn?trz jak i na zewn?trz. Upewnij si?, ?e dodasz t? doniczk? jako element dekoracyjny do swojego domu i ogrodu.

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Ta wyj?tkowo du?a poduszka Heart Pillow mo?e by? w?o?ona do mikrofalówki, aby si? ogrza?, a utrzyma ciep?o przez ponad 45 minut. Jest to ?wietny prezent, szczególnie na zimne dni.

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Say goodbye to dust and dirt with our compact and powerful Portable Vacuum Cleaner. Designed for your convenience, this portable cleaner is perfect for use at home, in the office, or in your car. The więcej→high-capacity 4000mAh battery offers a working time of 20-35 minutes. The suction power of 5500Pa and noise level of 70dB guarantee efficient and quiet operation. It comes with a variety of nozzles, allowing you to tackle different cleaning tasks with ease. Whether you're cleaning carpets, upholstery, or hard-to-reach corners, the 3 nozzle options have got you covered. And with its comfortable hand-held design, it ensures an effortless grip, letting you clean comfortably for extended periods without …

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Meet the Sandscape Lamp, a relaxing and fascinating addition to your desk. Utilizing the soothing beauty of falling sand, this lamp creates subtle yet fascinating patterns as it moves. With a simple 1 więcej→80-degree turn of the disc, you can restart this soothing display. The base features LED lights that subtly enhance the atmosphere. The restful atmosphere of the lamp makes it suitable for all ages. The lamp runs on both batteries and USB.

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Koc z r?kawami, 140 x 180 cm, b??kit

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Koc z r?kawami, 215 x 150 cm, br?zowy

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Ahoy, kolego! Morze jest nieobliczalne! Ten ozdobny przedmiot na biurko prezentuje znan? pirack? ?ód? w koj?cej cieczy. Yo-ho-ho! Niezale?nie od tego, ile go potrz?sasz, statek nigdy nie zatonie! To ? więcej→wietne uzupe?nienie do twojego domu, biura lub sali lekcyjnej, oferuj?ce uspokajaj?ce do?wiadczenie wizualne.

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Feel like a real Dracula and Edward with this too indistinguishable from the real vampire teeth, developed by a real dentist. Super realistic vampire teeth. Developed by a true dental expert, in a fac więcej→tory that also produces dentures. Including hypoallergenic glue. Use multiple times. The teeth can be easily trimmed to a perfect fit. Includes English-speaking guide. Hypoallergenic cement for fixing. Supplied with: ample amount hypoallergenic cemen

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Experience the combination of whisky and cigars with the Whisky & Cigar Tray. Crafted from high-quality materials, this elegant tray features a handy design that is sure to leave an impression. The tr więcej→ay includes essential accessories such as a coaster, ashtray, cigar cutter, whisky stones, and a glass, allowing you to enjoy your favourite whiskey and cigar with style. Whether it's a special occasion or a relaxing night in, the Whisky & Cigar Tray offers a refined way to enhance your smoking experience.

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Give any space a spooky touch with our XXL Halloween Spider Decoration! It's simple to set up and includes everything you need: a yard web, spider web, large black spider, big orange/black spider, gut więcej→ter hook for easy hanging, ground stakes for stability, spider silk, and 20 mini black spiders.

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Projektor Astronaut Starry Sky przenosi wspania?? galaktyk? bezpo?rednio do pokoju, tworz?c czaruj?c? atmosfer?, która pasuje na ka?d? okazj?. Dzi?ki futurystycznemu wzornictwu astronauty i zaawansowa więcej→nej technologii projekcji, mo?esz do?wiadczy? gwiazd i faluj?cych kolorów w najwy?szej jako?ci, które s? zarówno relaksuj?ce, jak i fascynuj?ce. Ten projektor jest nie tylko pi?kny, ale tak?e niezwykle ?atwy w u?yciu. Jest wyposa?ony w wygodny pilot zdalnego sterowania, który u?atwia regulacj? jasno?ci, pr?dko?ci obrotowej i rytmu oddechu projekcji. Dla jeszcze wi?kszej wygody mo?na ustawi? automatyczny wy??cznik czasowy na 45 lub 90 minut, aby projektor sam si? wy??czy? - idealny do zasypiania pod r…

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Shashibo! It may look like an ordinary box on the outside, but each Shashibo has a kaleidoscopic effect when you open it and start connecting the magnets to create geometric shapes. Connect multiple S więcej→hashibos to build larger structures, and create more possibilities as you add boxes. Twist and turn gently, letting the magnets guide you. Can you master the shape-shifting box? 8+

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Shashibo! It may look like an ordinary box on the outside, but each Shashibo has a kaleidoscopic effect when you open it and start connecting the magnets to create geometric shapes. Connect multiple S więcej→hashibos to build larger structures, and create more possibilities as you add boxes. Twist and turn gently, letting the magnets guide you. Can you master the shape-shifting box? 8+

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Przekszta?? ka?de pomieszczenie w zapieraj?ce dech w piersiach nocne niebo dzi?ki projektorowi LED Galaxy Sky. Ten zaawansowany projektor ??czy pi?kne projekcje gwiazd z faluj?cymi kolorami, tworz?c n więcej→astrojow? i relaksuj?c? atmosfer?. Jest idealny do relaksu, uroczystych okazji i twórczych ?rodowisk. Dzi?ki pilotowi mo?esz ?atwo dostosowa? kolory i wzory ?wiat?a do okazji. Funkcja timera pozwala ustawi? projektor tak, aby automatycznie wy??cza? si? po 1, 2 lub 4 godzinach - doskona?e rozwi?zanie jako lampka nocna lub w pomieszczeniach wellness. Wbudowany g?o?nik Bluetooth umo?liwia odtwarzanie ulubionej muzyki bezpo?rednio ze smartfona, tworz?c pe?ne wra?enie sensoryczne. Projektor jest lekki i…

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Tamagotchi is your virtual pet! Raise your Tamagotchi from egg to adult and watch your figure grow in the palm of your hand. Feed it, turn the lights on and off, play with it, give it medicine, flush więcej→it after toileting, and check its health. You can also discipline your Tamagotchi if it disturbs you, even if it is satisfied, full and you have cleaned up after it, otherwise it will just be an unsympathetic and ill-mannered alien when it grows up. Also includes games where you have to guess which direction it will move next. This Tamagotchi has a shell design featuring the Ginjirotchi cartoon. From 8 years.

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- A set of six smart connected dice. - Each dice seamlessly connects with a free companion app, unlocking the magical world of many of your favorite and new dice games. - Innovative technology packed więcej→in a sleek, compact and lightweight design. - Intertial measurement unit - tracks orientation and position - Light system - cool RGB LED effects for visual cues - Compatibility: iOS and Android - Powered by a supercapacitor - 10s seconds charge = 2 hour gameplay

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The wands of the four Marauders, Remus Lupin, Peter Pettigrew, Sirius Black and James Potter, on a hand-painted resin Maruaders Map display (measuring approx 36 x 21cms), with 2 keyhole hooks for wall więcej→mounting. This item comes packaged in a Harry Potter branded box. Wands do not come with individual wand boxes.

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Radicovers Skimming Protection is the smart way to protect your credit cards and ID cards from being skimmed, and steal your money or identity. When someone tries to skim your cards, Radicover's three więcej→-LED chip will activate and block the signals, keeping your cards and information safe from criminals. Built-in test function - place the Skim-Block card against a terminal with a blip function. Three built-in LEDs flash to indicate that the Skim-Block card is active and working.

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Thumbs Up Gameporium Kostka Fidget

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Have fun and distract from negativity by squeezing and popping these balls to reduce stress and anxiety. The calming effect of squeezing these balls will help you relax and become a calmer you.

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Thumbs Up 1001926 konsola do gier Niebieski, Czerwony
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