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The Game of the Year Edition includes: - The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt game- Hearts of Stone Expansion Pack- Blood and Wine Expansion Pack- All 16 released DLC's Become a professional monster slayer and e ще→mbark on an adventure of epic proportions! Upon its release, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt became an instant classic, claiming over 250 Game of the Year awards. Now you can enjoy this huge, over 100-hour long, open-world adventure along with both its story-driven expansions worth an extra 50 hours of gameplay. This edition includes all additional content - new weapons, armor, companion outfits, new game mode and side quests.About the GAME OF THE YEAR The most awarded game of 2015! Become a monster sl…
Product Description The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Complete Edition Playstation 5 (PS5) THE MOST AWARDED GAME OF A GENERATION NOW ENHANCED FOR THE NEXT You are Geralt of Rivia, mercenary monster slayer. Bef ще→ore you stands a war-torn, monster-infested continent you can explore at will. Your current contract? Tracking down Ciri — the Child of Prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world. The Complete Edition contains the base game, offering a huge, over 100-hour long, open-world adventure, as well as both of its massive story expansions: Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine worth an extra 50 hours of gameplay! It also comes with all additional content released for the game, alongside ne…
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Winner of over 250 Game of the Year awards, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a story-driven, open world adventure set in a dark fantasy universe. You are Geralt of Rivia, mercenary monster slayer. At your ще→disposal is every tool of the trade: razor-sharp swords, lethal mixtures, stealthy crossbows, and powerful combat magic. Before you stands a war-torn, monster-infested continent you can explore at will. Your current contract? Tracking down the Child of Prophecy, a living weapon that can alter the shape of the world. The Complete Edition contains every piece of downloadable content released for the game, including two massive story expansions: Hearts of Stone & Blood and Wine. It's the perfect opportunity …
Daleko na wschodzie leżą tajemnicze krainy Hakland i Zerrikania. Z tych mistycznych krain pochodzą wiedźmini ze Szkoły Mantykory. I właśnie z tej szkoły pochodzi legendarna zbroja Manticore. Teraz moż ще→esz dodać do swojej kolekcji tę niezwykle szczegółową i misternie pomalowaną figurkę Geralta ubranego we własną zbroję Manticore z wyciągniętym mieczem.
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Become The Witcher, Geralt of Rivia, a legendary monster slayer caught in a web of intrigue woven by forces vying for control of the world. Make difficult decisions and live with the consequences in a ще→n game that will immerse you in an extraordinary tale like no other. Representing the pinnacle of storytelling in role-playing games, The Witcher shatters the line between good and evil in a world where moral ambiguity reigns. The Witcher emphasizes story and character development in a vibrant world while incorporating tactically-deep real-time combat like no game before it. The RPG of the Year (PC Gamer, GameSpy, IGN) is back in a Premium Edition packed with powerful extras! The Witcher:
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The player is Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster slayer, a witcher. Entangled in the political turmoil that engulfed Temeria, Geralt helped quell the rebellion of the Order of the Flaming Rose. S ще→oon after, he saved King Foltest’s life when the monarch was attacked by a witcher-like assassin. He continues to protect the king, serving as his bodyguard as Foltest strives to bring peace to his kingdom. The Order’s last bastions have yielded to the royal army, yet one more task remains - the Baroness La Valette announced her secession from the realm, and her fortress must be taken. A month after the attempted assassination, Foltest’s armies stand at the gates of La Valette Castle,
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The player is Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster slayer, a witcher. Entangled in the political turmoil that engulfed Temeria, Geralt helped quell the rebellion of the Order of the Flaming Rose. S ще→oon after, he saved King Foltest’s life when the monarch was attacked by a witcher-like assassin. He continues to protect the king, serving as his bodyguard as Foltest strives to bring peace to his kingdom. The Order’s last bastions have yielded to the royal army, yet one more task remains - the Baroness La Valette announced her secession from the realm, and her fortress must be taken. A month after the attempted assassination, Foltest’s armies stand at the gates of La Valette Castle,
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The player is Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster slayer, a witcher. Entangled in the political turmoil that engulfed Temeria, Geralt helped quell the rebellion of the Order of the Flaming Rose. S ще→oon after, he saved King Foltest’s life when the monarch was attacked by a witcher-like assassin. He continues to protect the king, serving as his bodyguard as Foltest strives to bring peace to his kingdom. The Order’s last bastions have yielded to the royal army, yet one more task remains - the Baroness La Valette announced her secession from the realm, and her fortress must be taken. A month after the attempted assassination, Foltest’s armies stand at the gates of La Valette Castle,
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Cechy:Gigantyczny otwarty świat do odkrycia:- Odwiedź luksusowe i skorumpowane miasto Novigrad, staw czoła mroźnemu chłódowi burzliwych wysp Skellige i odważ się mrocznym siłom, które nawiedzają opust ще→oszałą i zdewastowaną ziemię niczyją. Żegluj po pełnym morzu, nurkuj w poszukiwaniu zagubionych artefaktów lub walcz na grzbiecie swojej klaczy. Świat Wiedźmina czeka, aż go odkryjesz.Niezrównana historia na poziomie powieści, obejmująca ponad 100 godzin rozgrywki:- Z ponad 100 godzinami na główną grę i zadania poboczne, Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon łączy intensywność i narracyjną moc tradycyjnych RPG ze swobodą wyboru, którą mogą zaoferować tylko gry z otwartym
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Cechy:Dark Souls III:- Gdy pożary gasną, a świat popada w ruinę, deweloper Fromsoftware i reżyser Hidetaka Miyazaki kontynuują ukochaną, przełomową serię tego rodzaju w Dark Souls III. Fani i nowi gra ще→cze będą mogli zatracić się w charakterystycznej rozgrywce i wciągającej grafice. Teraz pozostał tylko żar...Wiedźmin III: Dziki Gon:- Wiedźmin 3: Dziki Gon - gra RPG dla nowej generacji, której fabuła toczy się w otwartym świecie, osadzonym w imponującym graficznie uniwersum fantasy. Wiedźmin 3 jest pełen wyborów, które gracz musi podjąć, a które w znaczący sposób wpłyną na rozwój fabuły. W Wiedźminie 3 wcielasz się w Geralta z Rivii, jednego z ostatnich
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Zdobywca ponad 250 nagród Game of the Year, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt to oparta na fabule, otwarta światowa przygoda osadzona w mrocznym świecie fantasy. Jesteś Geraltem z Rivii, najemnym pogromcą potw ще→orów. Do Państwa dyspozycji jest każde narzędzie handlu: ostre jak brzytwa miecze, śmiercionośne mieszanki, ukryte kusze i potężna magia bojowa. Zanim znajdziesz się w stanie rozdartej wojną kontynentu, opanowanego przez potwory, możesz eksplorować do woli. Twój obecny kontrakt? Wyśledzić Dziecko Przepowiedni, żywą broń, która może zmienić kształt świata.Kompletna edycja zawiera wszystkie elementy do pobrania wydane do gry, w tym dwa ogromne rozszerzenia fabularne:
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Kategoria:Gry wideo i konsole.podkategoria:Konsola PlayStation 4.podkategoria:Gry.tytuł:Wiedźmin III (3): Dziki Gon (Edycja Gry Roku).
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Kategoria:Gry wideo i konsole.podkategoria:PlayStation 5.podkategoria:Gry.tytuł:Wiedźmin III (3): Dziki Gon (Edycja Gry Roku).
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The Witcher: Wild Hunt is a story-driven, next-generation open world role-playing game set in a visually stunning fantasy universe full of meaningful choices and impactful consequences. In The Witcher ще→you play as the professional monster hunter, Geralt of Rivia, tasked with finding a child of prophecy in a vast open world rich with merchant cities, viking pirate islands, dangerous mountain passes, and forgotten caverns to explore. PLAY AS A HIGHLY TRAINED MONSTER SLAYER FOR HIRE Trained from early childhood and mutated to gain superhuman skills, strength and reflexes, witchers are a distrusted counterbalance to the monster-infested world in which they live. Gruesomely destroy foes as a
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Game of the Year edition brings together the base game and all the additional content released to date. Includes the Hearts of Stone and Blood & Wine expansions, which offer a ще→massive 50 hours of additional storytelling as well as new features and new areas that expand the explorable world by over a third! Affords access to all additional content released so far, including weapons, armor, side quests, game modes and new GWENT cards! Features all technical and visual updates as well as a new user interface completely redesigned on the basis of feedback from members of the Witcher Community. Features: Play as a Highly Trained Monster Slayer for Hire Trained from early …
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RPG and sequel to The Witcher 2 (2011), The Witcher 3 follows witcher Geralt of Rivia as he seeks out his former lover and his young subject while intermingling with the political workings of the wart ще→orn Northern Kingdoms. Geralt has to fight monsters and deal with people of all sorts in order to solve complex problems and settle contentious disputes, each ranging from the personal to the world-changing.
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Hearts of Stone is the first official expansion pack for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt -- an award-winning role-playing game set in a vast fantasy open world. Become Geralt of Rivia, a professional monster ще→slayer hired to defeat a ruthless bandit captain, Olgierd von Everec, a man who possesses the power of immortality. Hearts of Stone packs over 10 hours of new adventures, introducing new characters, powerful monsters, unique romance and a brand new storyline shaped by your choices.
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone is a DLC pack for Witcher 3 that was developed and published by CD Projekt Red on October 13th, 2015. Our favorite professional monster slayer, Geralt of Riv ще→ia, has been hired by someone to deal with a cunning and dangerous bandit. But, this bandit isn't just some random criminal, he is a smart individual that also possesses the power of immortality. Do you have what it takes to take on this ferocious bandit captain, Olgierd von Everec, and complete this seemingly impossible tasks that he has given you? The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Hearts of Stone comes with well over 10 hours of content for you to enjoy. Go on a dark and exciting new adventure, meet
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