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Wszystko dla lalek Club Petz

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Club Petz
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Artie the Polar Bear. It comes with it's icecream that when you approach it to him, he starts sneezing and shaking. When you cuddle and caress him, he will stop shaking. More than 10 different sounds
Bella is an interactive plush toy with sounds and sensors to make her more realistic. In her mouth, she has a small sensor that activates when you give her milk with her little bottle. She also has a sensor on her back, so when you brush her fur, it starts purring. If you put her legs down, she rests and makes noises. She's a very cute and cuddly kitten that you can take with you anywhere. From 18 months. Batteries (4xLR6-AA). incl.
Walks and responds to hand commands.With +15 sounds.25 cm.
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