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 ціни на 2224 моделі  
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Zestaw arkuszy szlifierskich do drewna i farby, 5 sztuk, 125 mm, okr?g?e, ziarnisto??: 120
 Koparka łańcuchowa Cedrus KP02 KP 02 SPECYFIKACJA: Marka: Cedrus Pojemność oleju: 0,6 l Prędkość obrotowa noży: 500 Pojemność silnika: 196 cm³ Max moc silnika: 6,5 KM Producent ще→silnika: Loncin Model silnika: G200F Załączanie noży: mechaniczne Rozrusznik: ręczny Głębokość kopania: 150 mm, 250 mm, 350 mm, 450 mm Szerokość kopania: 100 Rodzaj ostrza: 21 ostrzy z węglikiem spiekanym Rodzaj paliwa: Benzyna System chłodzenia: Powietrzem Pojemność zbiornika paliwa: 3,6 l Max głębokość robocza: 450 mm Ciężar: 135 kg ZALETY: niezawodny silnik Loncin G200F regulowana głębokość robocza ślimak układający urobek obok rowu regulowany uchwyt man…

Zestaw arkuszy szlifierskich do drewna i farby, 5 sztuk, 125 mm, okr?g?e, ziarnisto??: 240

Arkusz szlifierski, 5 sztuk, okr?g?y, ziarnisto??: 40, 125 mm

Zestaw arkuszy szlifierskich do drewna i farby, 5 sztuk, 125 mm, okr?g?e, ziarnisto??: 60

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures consistent dust removal to prevent clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. In addition, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is developed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite material as well as intermediate sanding in painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding of varnish, paint, primer, putty and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Najlepszy do pow?ok i kompozytów zapewnia imponuj?ce wyko?czenie podczas szlifowania i szlifowania powierzchni ?ciernych oraz materia?ów kompozytowych. Ostrza z ziarnami ?ciernymi z w?glika krzem ще→u zapewniaj? precyzyjne usuwanie materia?u dla profesjonalnych rezultatów. Dodatkowo elektrostatyczna, otwarta powierzchnia ze szczelinami mi?dzy ziarnami zapewnia sta?e usuwanie py?u, aby zapobiec zatykaniu si?. Rolka ?cieraj?ca jest przeznaczona do szlifowania twardych materia?ów takich jak kamie? i materia?y kompozytowe oraz po?redniego szlifowania podczas prac malarskich. Nadaje si? równie? do szlifowania i polerowania farby, gruntówki, kitu i tworzywa sztucznego. Nadaje si? równie? do precyzy…

F355 Najlepszy do pow?ok i kompozytów zapewnia imponuj?ce wyko?czenie podczas szlifowania i szlifowania powierzchni ?ciernych oraz materia?ów kompozytowych. Ostrza z ziarnami ?ciernymi z w?glika krzem ще→u zapewniaj? precyzyjne usuwanie materia?u dla profesjonalnych rezultatów. Dodatkowo elektrostatyczna, otwarta powierzchnia ze szczelinami mi?dzy ziarnami zapewnia jednolite usuwanie py?u, zapobiegaj?c jego zatykaniu. Rolka ?cieraj?ca jest przeznaczona do szlifowania twardych materia?ów takich jak kamie? i materia?y kompozytowe oraz po?redniego szlifowania podczas prac malarskich. Nadaje si? równie? do szlifowania i polerowania lakieru, farby, gruntówki, kitu i tworzywa sztucznego. Nadaje si? ró…

5x papier ścierny ekscentryczny Bosch Wood + Paint Funkcje materiału ściernego: z rzepem, perforowane. Wielkość ziarna: 120. Średnica produktu: 150 mm. Wym. ...

Arkusz szlifierski, do twardego drewna, farby na drewnie, 5 sztuk, 150 mm, okr?g?y, ziarnisto??: 240

Arkusz szlifierski, do drewna, farby, lakieru, masy szpachlowej i podk?adów, 5 sztuk, okr?g?y kszta?t, ziarnisto??: 40, ?rednica: 150 mm

C430 Expert for Wood and Paint ma imponuj?c? d?ug? ?ywotno?? podczas szlifowania drewna, forniru i powierzchni sta?ych. Dodatkowo, elektrostatyczna, otwarta powierzchnia z przestrzeniami mi?dzy ziarna ще→mi zapewnia jednolite szlifowanie i zapobiega zatykaniu. Silne ziarna ?cierne s? odporne na zu?ycie, co pozwala na d?ugotrwa?e i wielokrotne u?ytkowanie. Ten produkt jest przeznaczony do czyszczenia i szlifowania farby, lakieru, kitu, podk?adów oraz materia?ów opartych na drewnie, nadaje si? do po?redniego szlifowania lakieru na powierzchniach. Nadaje si? równie? do szlifowania po zwil?eniu niektórych materia?ów oraz wyg?adzania kraw?dzi piór. Arkusz ?cierny C430 Expert for Wood and Paint pasuje…

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Najlepszy do pow?ok i kompozytów zapewnia imponuj?ce wyko?czenie podczas szlifowania i szlifowania powierzchni ?ciernych oraz materia?ów kompozytowych. Ostrza z ziarnami ?ciernymi z w?glika krzem ще→u zapewniaj? precyzyjne usuwanie materia?u dla profesjonalnych wyników. Ponadto elektrostatyczna, otwarta powierzchnia ze szczelinami mi?dzy ziarnami zapewnia jednolite usuwanie py?u, zapobiegaj?c jego zatykaniu. Rolka ?cieraj?ca jest przeznaczona do szlifowania twardych materia?ów, takich jak kamie? i materia?y kompozytowe, a tak?e do po?redniego szlifowania w pracach malarskich. Nadaje si? równie? do szlifowania i polerowania lakieru, farby, podk?adu, kitu i tworzywa sztucznego. Nadaje si? równi…

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal to prevent clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding of varnish, paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. In addition, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is developed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite material as well as intermediate sanding in painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding of varnish, paint, primer, putty and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. Additionally, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures consistent dust removal to prevent clogging. The sanding roll is designed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite materials as well as intermediate sanding during painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding paint, primer, putty, and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …

F355 Best for Coatings and Composites ensures an impressive finish when sanding and grinding abrasive surfaces and composite materials. Blades with silicon carbide abrasive grains ensure precise mater ще→ial removal for professional results. In addition, the electrostatic, open surface with spaces between the grains ensures uniform dust removal, preventing clogging. The sanding roll is developed for grinding hard materials such as stone and composite material as well as intermediate sanding in painting work. It is also suitable for sanding and grinding of varnish, paint, primer, putty and plastic. Also suitable for precision work on ferrous and non-ferrous materials. F355 Best for Coatings and Composites …
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