TURTLE BEACH Kierownica TURTLE BEACH VelocityOne Race do konsoli Xbox Seri
System Turtle Beach VelocityOne Race z kierownicą i pedałami jest licencjonowany do użytku z konsolami Xbox Series X S, Xbox One oraz komputerami PC z systemami Windows 10 i 11 - Force Feedback, trzy pedały i magnetyczne łopatki do zmiany biegów, hallotrony.
Turtle Beach VelocityOne Race - Wheel, gamepad and pedals set - Microsoft
Experience the thrill and adrenaline of racing with the Turtle Beach VelocityOne Race Wheel & Pedal System. This cutting-edge gaming accessory is the ultimate addition to your Xbox or PC gaming rig, allowing you to immerse yourself in a world of high-octane action and unparalleled realism.