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Програмне забезпечення Windows 10 Home

 ціни на 9 моделей  

Windows 10 Home

— windows 10 загалом є спадкоємицею Windows 8.1 (номер 9 з низки причин використовувати не стали). Ця ОС була випущена восени 2014 року і представила безліч оновлень. Серед них: Інтернет-браузер, Edge; оновлене меню «Пуск»; перероблений центр повідомлень з автоматичною синхронізацією між всіма пристроями користувача, що працюють на «десятці»; голосовий асистент Cortana; підтримка декількох робочих столів; відчутно перероблений зовнішній вигляд.

Windows 10 Home, як випливає з назви, являє собою редакцію, розраховану на домашнє використання і нескладні робочі завдання, не пов'язані з професійними IT-інструментами. Зокрема, в ній вимкнено управління Центром оновлень і доступ через віддалений робочий стіл. Це одна з двох редакцій «десятки», що надходять у вільний продаж (друга — Pro, див. відповідний пункт).
Windows 10 Home
Microsoft Windows   Microsoft Windows10 to najnowszy i najbardziej innowacyjny system operacyjny dla Windows. Charakteryzuje się doskonałym połączeniem dobrej funkcjonalności i chwytliwego wyglądu wizualnego, dzięki czemu nic nie stoi na przeszkodzie przyjaznej i wygodnej dla użytkownika aplikacji. Sprawia to, że jest to dobry wybór dla szerokiej gamy urządzeń, dzięki czemu użytkownicy mogą polegać na systemie Microsoft Windows10 na swoim komputerze PC, a także na laptopach, smartfonach i tabletach.   Co sprawia, że Microsoft Windows10 jest tak dobry? Jeśli chcesz kupić system Windows 10 Home lub zdecydujesz się na zakup innych wersji, będziesz miał ogromną wygodę. Sprawia to, że system oper…
133 zł
Доставка: по Польщі
The best Windows ever keeps getting even better. Buying Microsoft Windows 10 Home is a very good decision in many aspects. First of all, you can feel truly safe and sure about your software as Windows 10 gets regular updates. They do not only apply to the operating system itself, but also to several Microsoft Store applications, which can support you in your work and make your life even easier and more comfortable. As it is the most up-to-date version of Microsoft Windows, you can be sure that it will keep being updated continuously. The newest security updates will also keep you safe online so you can surf the Internet without any fears of getting attacked by some malware. More
34 zł
Доставка: по Польщі
CODES ARE ALWAYS IN STOCK, INSTANT DELIVERY AFTER PAYMENT OFFICIAL SERIAL CODE TO ACTIVATE WINDOWS 10 HOME DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY FROM MICROSOFT ALL LANGUAGES SUPPORTED We have two versions available - retail version that comes directly from Microsoft with all features unlocked and the OEM version which is the version provided by large PC manufacturers on devices they sell. The OEM is limited - it permanently binds to one PC on first activation, it does not come with Microsofts free phone support and you can't use it to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8.1 - only fresh install. The retail version does not come with those 3 restrictions but other than this it's exactly the same product.
39 zł
Get a game
Доставка: по Польщі
Get a game
CODES ARE ALWAYS IN STOCK, INSTANT DELIVERY AFTER PAYMENT OFFICIAL SERIAL CODE TO ACTIVATE WINDOWS 10 HOME DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY FROM MICROSOFT ALL LANGUAGES SUPPORTED We have two versions available - retail version that comes directly from Microsoft with all features unlocked and the OEM version which is the version provided by large PC manufacturers on devices they sell. The OEM is limited - it permanently binds to one PC on first activation, it does not come with Microsofts free phone support and you can't use it to upgrade from Windows 7 or 8.1 - only fresh install. The retail version does not come with those 3 restrictions but other than this it's exactly the same product.
52 zł
Get a game
Доставка: по Польщі
Get a game
The best Windows ever keeps getting even better. Buying Microsoft Windows 10 Home is a very good decision in many aspects. First of all, you can feel truly safe and sure about your software as Windows 10 gets regular updates. They do not only apply to the operating system itself, but also to several Microsoft Store applications, which can support you in your work and make your life even easier and more comfortable. As it is the most up-to-date version of Microsoft Windows, you can be sure that it will keep being updated continuously. The newest security updates will also keep you safe online so you can surf the Internet without any fears of getting attacked by some malware. More
34 zł
Доставка: по Польщі
This version of Windows works only on new installed Windows. If you purchase this version, you will need to re-install your Windows. This product is valid for activating both 32 and 64 bit versions. In order to install the software on your PC follow the instruction here. In case of a problem with activating the product please use the automated phone system to activate.  Windows 10 is your partner in making things happen. Get fast start-ups, a familiar yet expanded Start menu, and great new ways to get stuff done even across multiple devices. You’ll also love the innovative features like an all-new browser built for online action, plus Cortana, the personal digital assistant who helps
21 zł
Доставка: по Польщі
This version of Windows works only on newly installed Windows. If you purchase this version, you will need to re-install your Windows. Microsoft Windows 10 Home is your guarantee of easy access. Get an Operating System that starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with the software and hardware you already own. Windows 10 Home is a modern OS that comes from a long line of popular, functional releases from Microsoft. Windows is perfect for gamers, office computers, and everything in between. Organize everything with great built-in apps like Maps, Photos, Music, Mail& Calendar, and Movies& TV. Windows 10 Home helps you store what you
25 zł
Доставка: по Польщі
This version of Windows works only on newly installed Windows. If you purchase this version, you will need to re-install your Windows. Microsoft Windows 10 Home is your guarantee of easy access. Get an Operating System that starts up and resumes fast, has more built-in security to help keep you safe, and is designed to work with the software and hardware you already own. Windows 10 Home is a modern OS that comes from a long line of popular, functional releases from Microsoft. Windows is perfect for gamers, office computers, and everything in between. Organize everything with great built-in apps like Maps, Photos, Music, Mail& Calendar, and Movies& TV. Windows 10 Home helps you store what you
17 zł
Доставка: по Польщі
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