
Настільна гра Soldier Obozaya Vesk

Фото - Настільна гра Soldier Obozaya Vesk
Soldier Obozaya Vesk
від 19 

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Obozaya Vesk Soldier

Obozaya is a freelance mercenary seeking glory AND recognition. As she’s fond of saying, battle is too important to leave to amateurs, AND she believes that the best way to win a fight is to move fast AND hit hard.

Archon Studio Obozaya Vesk Soldier Archon Studio

Obozaya is a freelance mercenary seeking glory AND recognition. As she’s fond of saying, battle is too important to leave to amateurs, AND she believes that the best way to win a fight is to move fast AND hit hard.
Obozaya is a freelance mercenary seeking glory AND recognition. As she’s fond of saying, battle is too important to leave to amateurs, AND she believes that the best way to win a fight is to move fast AND hit hard.
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