
Настільна гра Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing 2nd ed. Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles Pack


Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing 2nd ed. Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles Pack

Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing 2nd ed. Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles Pack

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Fantasy Flight Games X-Wing 2nd ed. Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles Pack

In the vast depths of space, one can find countless wonders - comets with icy trails, nebulas filled with ionizing gas, or even living creatures, like mynocks, hiding within wreckage.   In addition to asteroids, debris fields, and gas clouds, the X-Wing 2nd ed.: Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles...
In the vast depths of space, one can find countless wonders - comets with icy trails, nebulas filled with ionizing gas, or even living creatures, like mynocks, hiding within wreckage.   In addition to asteroids, debris fields, and gas clouds, the X-Wing 2nd ed.: Never Tell Me the Odds Obstacles...
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