
Настільна гра Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Legion - Iden Versio and ID10 Commander Ex


Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Legion - Iden Versio and ID10 Commander Ex

Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Legion - Iden Versio and ID10 Commander Ex

Купити Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Legion - Iden Versio and ID10 Commander Ex

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Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars: Legion - Iden Versio and ID10 Commander Ex

Whether they're battling enemy fighters from the cockpits of their TIE Fighters or on the ground below, Inferno Squad is one of the Empire's most fearsome special forces units and now you can add the leader of this crack team to your Imperial armies. Possessing a keen tactical mind and a deadlier...
Whether they're battling enemy fighters from the cockpits of their TIE Fighters or on the ground below, Inferno Squad is one of the Empire's most fearsome special forces units and now you can add the leader of this crack team to your Imperial armies. Possessing a keen tactical mind and a deadlier...
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