
Інше для собак Chuckit Ultra Fetch Stick

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CHUCKIT Ultra Fetch Stick

Chuckit Ultra Fetch Stick

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CHUCKIT Ultra Fetch Stick

A durable addition for an action-packed day out with your dog: The Chuckit! Ultra Fetch Stick is a safe and robust alternative to wooden sticks or branches. The throwing stick is made of 100% natural rubber and is suitable for fun fetching games on land as well as in water. The material is buoyant and floats well in water, so the stick does not sin... щеk. The vibrant colouring in orange and blue ensures that you can quickly find the stick again - whether in the water, on the beach or at the park. The Chuckit! Ultra Fetch Stick is easy to pick up and throw thanks to its slim, long shape. It is extremely durable, making it the ideal toy for outdoor adventures.
A durable addition for an action-packed day out with your dog: The Chuckit! Ultra Fetch Stick is a safe and robust alternative to wooden sticks or branches. The throwing stick is made of 100% natural rubber and is suitable for fun fetching games on land as well as in water. The material is buoyant and floats well in water, so the stick does not sink. The vibrant colouring in orange and blue ensures that you can quickly find the stick again - whether in the water, on the beach or at the park. The Chuckit! Ultra Fetch Stick is easy to pick up and throw thanks to its slim, long shape. It is extremely durable, making it the ideal toy for outdoor adventures.
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