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Захисне скло й плівки для Sony Xperia 1 V 512GB/16GB

Spigen Glass tR Align Master 2 Pack Tempered glass durability rated at 9H hardness Includes an innovative, auto-alignment installation tray for effortless application Oleophobic coating ensures the su ще→rface to remain fingerprint-free, touch-responsive and clear just as its original screen Compatible with Spigen casesPackage includes: Tempered glass 2 pcs Installation tray Cleaning cloth, Alcohol Wipe, Dust Removal Sticker
Ultra-Wide Fit = Covers the entire front surface of your device to provide a complete and clear view of your screen, while still leaving room for a case. Drop protection = Protects against crushing fa ще→lls onto stone-hard pavements, unforgiving bathroom floors, and other device-smashing surfaces. Scratch resistant = Protects your device from scratching caused by the hazards of everyday life. Shock resistant = Keeps your device safe from your everyday fumbling, dropping and screen cracking. Easy installation = So easy to install you can do it even if you’re all thumbs. Longer lifespan = Extends the lifetime of your device, enabling you to enjoy it longer and give it to others when you no longer n…
Доставка: по Польщі
Matowa i jedwabista Instalowana na mokro SilkyMatt Pro już po pierwszej próbie idealnie przylega do ekranu – bez pęcherzyków powietrza czy kurzu. Wszystko dzięki technice aplikowania folii na mokro. D ще→o zestawu dodany jest specjalny żel, z którym instalacja folii uda się każdemu w domowych warunkach. Wzmocnisz ekran nawet o 400% Wyświetlacz zabezpieczony folią ochronną SilkyMatt Pro staje się nawet do 400% mocniejszy. Niestraszne mu są ostre przedmioty, np. klucze lub drobinki piasku, a nawet upadki na twarde powierzchnie. W złożonej strukturze folii znalazł się wnikliwie przebadany podkład antyuderzeniowy. W sytuacji zagrożenia, SilkyMatt Pro zminimalizuje ryzyko uszkodzenia ekranu Twojego smartfo…
Доставка: по Польщі
Joom Europe

Step-by-step instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before insta ще→llation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo Hybrid Glass for Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition. - Non-cracking, more resistant than tempered glass; - Combination of the advantages of a hydrogel film and the strength of tempered glass; - One layer is a shock-absorbing silicone base, providing highly effective impact protection; - Reinforces the screen by up to 350%; - Full Glue - adhesive on the entire surface; - Hardness 8H
Joom Europe

Step-by-step instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before insta ще→llation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo apgo MATTE Hybrid Glass for Sony Xperia 1 V. Product is in the MATTE version = matte, which prevents light reflections on the screen and eliminates fingerprints. As a result, the screen remains reflection-free and does not require frequent cleaning. - MATTE hybrid glass with grain effect and minimal HAZE effect; - Non-cracking, more resistant than tempered glass; - Combination
Joom Europe

Step-by-step instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before insta ще→llation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo apgo MATTE Hybrid Glass for Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition. Product is in the MATTE version = matte, which prevents light reflections on the screen and eliminates fingerprints. As a result, the screen remains reflection-free and does not require frequent cleaning. - MATTE hybrid glass with grain effect and minimal HAZE effect; - Non-cracking, more resistant than tempered glass;
Joom Europe

Step-by-step instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before insta ще→llation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo Hybrid Glass for Sony Xperia 1 V. - Non-cracking, more resistant than tempered glass; - Combination of the advantages of a hydrogel film and the strength of tempered glass; - One layer is a shock-absorbing silicone base, providing highly effective impact protection; - Reinforces the screen by up to 350%; - Full Glue - adhesive on the entire surface; - Hardness 8H (ASTM D3363); -
Joom Europe

Step-by-step instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before insta ще→llation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo Hybrid Glass 9H for Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition. - Non-cracking, more resistant than tempered glass; - Combination of the advantages of a hydrogel film and the strength of tempered glass; - One layer is a shock-absorbing silicone base, providing highly effective impact protection; - Reinforces the screen by up to 350%; - Full Glue - adhesive on the entire surface; - Hardness
Joom Europe

Step-by-step instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before insta ще→llation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo Hybrid Glass 9H for Sony Xperia 1 V. - Non-cracking, more resistant than tempered glass; - Combination of the advantages of a hydrogel film and the strength of tempered glass; - One layer is a shock-absorbing silicone base, providing highly effective impact protection; - Reinforces the screen by up to 350%; - Full Glue - adhesive on the entire surface; - Hardness 9H (ASTM
Joom Europe

apgo Privacy Matte Hybrid protective glass compatible with Sony Xperia 1 V, flexible nano glass, great replacement for tempered glass, scratch-resistant, full glue, anti-spy Step-by-step instructions ще→: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before installation. Freedom of use. Unwanted glances at your device's screen are no longer a problem. 1 pcs of apgo Privacy Hybrid for for Sony Xperia 1 V. - Darkening and blurring of the screen at a horizontal tilt of 45 degrees (see illustration in gallery); - Privacy works only in one plane; - MATTE hybrid glass with grain
Joom Europe

apgo Anti-Blue 9H Hybrid protective glass compatible with Sony Xperia 1 V, flexible nano glass, great replacement for tempered glass, scratch-resistant, full glue Step-by-step instructions: Please se ще→e video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before installation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo Anti-Blue Hybrid Glass 9H for Sony Xperia 1 V. - Anti-Blue Light Filter - reduces penetration of harmful blue light; - The Hybrid glass shining purple when the screen is off; - Non-cracking, more resistant than
Joom Europe

apgo Anti-Blue 9H Hybrid protective glass compatible with Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition, flexible nano glass, great replacement for tempered glass, scratch-resistant, full glue Step-by-step instruct ще→ions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before installation. Screen protectors are shaped and have necessary cutouts/holes matched to your chosen device. 1 pcs of apgo Anti-Blue Hybrid Glass 9H for Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition. - Anti-Blue Light Filter - reduces penetration of harmful blue light; - The Hybrid glass shining purple when the screen is off; -
Joom Europe

apgo Privacy Matte Hybrid protective glass compatible with Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition, flexible nano glass, great replacement for tempered glass, scratch-resistant, full glue, anti-spy Step-by-st ще→ep instructions: Please see video instructions link in the description or on the packaging. Scan the QR code. Easiest Installation - Please watch our installation video tutorial before installation. Freedom of use. Unwanted glances at your device's screen are no longer a problem. 1 pcs of apgo Privacy Hybrid for for Sony Xperia 1 V Gaming Edition. - Darkening and blurring of the screen at a horizontal tilt of 45 degrees (see illustration in gallery); - Privacy works only in one plane; - MATTE
Czy Ty też, kupując nowy telefon, największą uwagę zwracasz na aparat? W dobie znakomitej optyki smartfonów, cyfrówki zostawiamy w szufladzie. Codzienna eksploatacja może jednak dawać się we znaki obi ще→ektywowi telefonu, dlatego zabezpiecz go szkłem hybrydowym Lens Protection™. Elastyczność folii połączyliśmy z wytrzymałością szkła, tworząc niepękające hybrydowe zabezpieczenie obiektywu aparatu. Lens Protection™ wzmacnia soczewkę aż do 200%.

3mk FlexibleGlass FlexibleGlass to hybrydowe szkło ochronne na ekran smartfona. Szkło jest wysoce odporne na pęknięcia, gdyż jest wykonane w technologii łączącej twarde szkło z elastyczną folią. Flexi ще→bleGlass wzmacnia wytrzymałość wyświetlacza o 250%, skutecznie chroniąc ekran przed rozbiciem oraz zarysowaniem. Posiada wysokiej jakości warstwę oleofobową zwiększającą poślizg palca po ekranie oraz powłokę antybakteryjną. FlexibleGlass jest cienkie, dzięki czemu chroni, niemal nie ingerując w oryginalny wygląd wyświetlacza. FlexibleGlass jest cienkie i dopasowane Flexible Glass ma zaledwie 0,3mm grubości i jest dobrze dopasowane do dedykowanego modelu telefonu. Dzięki temu w sposób dyskretny, ale sku…
HardGlass Max Lite wykazuje twardość na poziomie 9H, co sprawia, że nawet ostre przedmioty przestają być zagrożeniem. Szkło poddawane jest jego działaniom wzmacniającym na wiele godzin w temperaturze ще→aż 400 °C. To nowość wśród szkieł hartowanych, które pokrywają wyłącznie płaską część ekranu. Redukuje tarcie do minimum, dzięki czemu każdy dotyk powierzchni ekranu to czysta przyjemność. Jej zwiększona wyporność na tłuste ślady i plamy ułatwia utrzymanie szkła w czystości. Każda jej warstwa dobierana jest pod kątem klarowności tak, by zapewnić najwyższą jakość barw i ostrości, bez wpływu na oryginalnie wyświetlany obraz.
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