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Ceny na wózek Maxi-Cosi Soho

Zdjęcia - Wózek Maxi-Cosi Soho
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1 435 

Maxi-Cosi Soho Stroller

Dostawa: w Polsce
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Maxi-Cosi Soho Stroller

The Maxi-Cosi Soho Stroller is ultra-compact and the perfect stroller for families in the city. Thanks to the smooth suspension and folding system (can be folded with just one hand), you can brave the city together. Use it from birth up to 4 years old (max. 22 kg). Suitable from birth The stroller has an ergonomic seat that folds completely fla... więcejt. You can therefore use the stroller from birth. The spacious seat with soft padding is comfortable from birth until your child is 4 years old. With three different reclining positions and a ventilation window, there’s always a nice position for your little one. City proof Thanks to the smooth suspension and puncture-proof wheels, maneuvering around town is super easy. Up and down the pavement, from groceries to a playdate: it’s no problem for this stroller. In addition, the Maxi-Cosi Soho Stroller folds with just one hand. The ultra-compact package stays upright. It’s an ultra-compact and ultra-handy
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
1 435 
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