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Ceny na multimetr Fluke 374 FC

Zdjęcia - Multimetr Fluke 374 FC
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Przyrząd: miernik cęgowy; Rodzaj: cyfrowy; napięcie; prąd; rezystancja; pojemność; Rodzaj prądu: AC / DC; Rodzaj napięcia: stałe / przemienne; Napięcie DC max. (W): 600; Napięcie AC max. (W): 600; Prąd DC max. (A): 600; Prąd AC max. (A): 600; True RMS; walizka (torba); Podświetlany wyświetlacz
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Fluke 374 fc

The Fluke 374 FC is part of the Fluke Connect family of wireless test tools. Now you can:Trend measurements and pinpoint intermittent faults by connecting your meter to your phone via Fluke Connect® Measurements appTransmit results wirelessly via Fluke Connect® Measurements appCreate and send reports right from the fieldStay safely away from the ar... więcejc flash zone through Bluetooth connectivity to Apple and Android devicesThe Fluke 374 FC is the direct replacement for the Fluke 374 Clamp Meter.Connect your meter to your smartphone with Fluke Connect MeasurementsRead measurements on your phone at a safe distance, wearing less PPE while your meter takes all the risksRecord results directly to your phone and the CloudCreate and share reports from the field via email, or converse in real-time with ShareLiveTM video callsCompatible with iFlex flexible current probe, use to expand the measurement range to 2500 A ac, provides access to large conductors in tight spacesCompatible with TPAK magnetic hanging strapProprietary inrush measurement technology to filter out noise and capture motor starting current exactly as the circuit protection sees itCAT IV 600 V, CAT III 1000 V safety ratingMeasurement Capability600 A ac and dc current measurement2500 A ac current measurement with (optional) iFlex flexible current probe1000 V ac and dc voltage measurementTrue-rms voltage and current for accurate measurements on non-linear signalsResistance measurement to 6000 with continuity detectionMin, max, average, and inrush recording to capture variations automatically1000 F capacitance measurementFluke 374 FC True-rms AC/DC Clamp MeterIncludes:Soft carrying caseTL75 test leadsTwo AA Alkaline batteriesCoated instruction cardSafety information sheet
Złóż skargę
2 867 

Fluke Miernik cęgowy AC 600A Fluke 374 FC 4696001 - Fluke 374 FC

Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
2 834 
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