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Ceny na Denver KPC-1370BU

Zdjęcia - Aparat natychmiastowy Denver KPC-1370BU
Zdjęcia 20
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Rodzaj: cyfrowy; Zasilanie: akumulatorowe; Wyświetlacz; Czytnik kart pamięci; Wymiary (mm): 130x100x95;
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Camera for kids with thermal printing function and a built-in selfie lens. With this camera, you can take a picture and have it printed on thermal paper instantly. It comes with 3 rolls of thermal printing paper (approximately 50 photos per roll). The camera has a 2.8 LCD screen on the back and features 10x digital zoom. The camera records videos i... więcejn 1440p (interpolated) and captures images up to 48 megapixels (interpolated). It includes 20 different cartoon frames, 8 different photo effects, 6 filters, and 4 built-in games (Snake, Push box, Tetris, Ball). Built-in 800mAh battery. The camera requires a MicroSD card of up to 64GB to record videos (this is included).
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Aparat DENVER KPC-1370P Różowy

To Aparat dla dzieci z innowacyjną funkcją druku termicznego, kreatywna zabawa oraz rozwijanie pasji twoje dziecko będzie mogło wyobrazić sobie prace fotografa, aparat posiada filtry ramki oraz gry.
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Camera for kids with thermal printing function and a built-in selfie lens. With this camera, you can take a picture and have it printed on thermal paper instantly. It comes with 3 rolls of thermal printing paper (approximately 50 photos per roll). The camera has a 2.8 LCD screen on the back and features 10x digital zoom. The camera records videos i... więcejn 1440p (interpolated) and captures images up to 48 megapixels (interpolated). It includes 20 different cartoon frames, 8 different photo effects, 6 filters, and 4 built-in games (Snake, Push box, Tetris, Ball). Built-in 800mAh battery. The camera requires a MicroSD card of up to 64GB to record videos (this is included).
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Aparat DENVER KPC-1370BU Niebieski

To Aparat dla dzieci z innowacyjną funkcją druku termicznego, kreatywna zabawa oraz rozwijanie pasji twoje dziecko będzie mogło wyobrazić sobie prace fotografa, aparat posiada filtry ramki oraz gry.
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