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Ceny na wózek Cybex Priam Lux Seat

Zdjęcia - Wózek Cybex Priam Lux Seat
Wideo 3Zdjęcia 21
od 3 695 do 6 521 
Dynamika cen
Wózek należy do klasy premium i nie bez powodu, bo był wspólnym dziełem niemieckiej marki Cybex i Jeremy'ego Scotta, dyrektora kreatywnego domu mody Moschino. To prawdziwy supersamochód dla Twojego malucha, w którym design, materiały i przemyślana funkcjonalność po prostu krzyczą o wysokiej klasie i równie wysokiej cenie. Oprócz kostki spacerowej można dokupić i zamontować fotelik samochodowy i gondolę, ale ona sama jest przeznaczona dla dzieci od urodzenia do 4 roku życia (nie więcej niż 17 kg) dzięki regulowanemu podnóżkowi i oparciu, do pozycja leżąca. Możesz zainstalować klocek twarzą do siebie, aby obserwować dziecko, lub od siebie - aby Twoje dziecko mogło zastanowić się, co go otacza. Budka Cybex Priam Lux Seat ma rozmiar XXL i składa się z kilku części, dzięki czemu można go ła...two rozłożyć i chronić przed słońcem, deszczem lub wiatrem. Aby zapobiec wyślizgnięciu się dziecka, zastosowano wewnętrzne 5-punktowe pasy bezpieczeństwa z miękkimi ochraniaczami na ramiona i pachwiną oraz ochraniacz obszyty ekoskórą. Wózek można złożyć w dwóch pozycjach - samodzielnie lub w pozycji leżącej, zajmując jeszcze mniej miejsca, co ułatwia transport i przechowywanie. A wysokość siedziska wynosząca 80 cm pozwala na używanie go jako krzesełka do karmienia, na przykład w kawiarni lub w parku. W zestawie także folia przeciwdeszczowa i kosz na zakupy.
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Cybex Priam 4 Stroller Complete - Matt Black Frame

Meet Cybex Priam 4: a 4-in-1 travel system which is just as versatile as life itself. Use the Priam’s frame in va... więcejrious ways: - as stroller with the Lux Carrycot - as stroller with the Seat Pack and Platinum Lite Cot - as travelling system with one of the Cybex car seats - as luxurious buggy with a forward and rearward facing position Cybex Priam 4 Frame– a modern frame The Cybex Priam 4 Frame is a modern frame with an integrated seat frame. Personalize your seat with one of the amazing seat packs (not included). Fold the Cybex Priam 4 frame to a compact package for easy storing. Thanks to the easy one-hand-handling your seat is reclined in any position within the blink of an eye. On top of that, the seat is reversible so your little one can face you or discover the world outside. Extra spacious, extra comfortable Let your little one enjoy the luxurious Cybex Priam 4 Carry Cot Lux. The Carry Cot Lux is compatible
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
6 304 

Cybex Priam 4 Stroller Complete - Chrome Brown Frame

Meet Cybex Priam 4: a 4-in-1 travel system which is just as versatile as life itself. Use the Priam’s frame in va... więcejrious ways: - as stroller with the Lux Carrycot - as stroller with the Seat Pack and Platinum Lite Cot - as travelling system with one of the Cybex car seats - as luxurious buggy with a forward and rearward facing position Cybex Priam 4 Frame– a modern frame The Cybex Priam 4 Frame is a modern frame with an integrated seat frame. Personalize your seat with one of the amazing seat packs (not included). Fold the Cybex Priam 4 frame to a compact package for easy storing. Thanks to the easy one-hand-handling your seat is reclined in any position within the blink of an eye. On top of that, the seat is reversible so your little one can face you or discover the world outside. Extra spacious, extra comfortable Let your little one enjoy the luxurious Cybex Priam 4 Carry Cot Lux. The Carry Cot Lux is compatible
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
6 304 

Cybex Priam 4 Frame incl. Seat Hardpart

Meet Cybex Priam 4: a 4-in-1 travel system which is just as versatile as life itself. Use the Priam’s frame in va... więcejrious ways: - as stroller with the Lux Carrycot - as stroller with the Seat Pack and Platinum Lite Cot - as travelling system with one of the Cybex car seats - as luxurious buggy with a forward and rearward facing position Cybex Priam 4 Frame– a modern frame The Cybex Priam 4 Frame is a modern frame with an integrated seat frame. Personalize your seat with one of the amazing seat packs (not included). Fold the Cybex Priam 4 frame to a compact package for easy storing. Thanks to the easy one-hand-handling your seat is reclined in any position within the blink of an eye. On top of that, the seat is reversible so your little one can face you or discover the world outside. Characteristics The Cybex Priam 4 Frame Including Seat Hardpart has the following characteristics: - Priam Frame incl. Seat
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
3 695 

Cybex Priam 4 Stroller Complete - Rosegold Frame

Meet Cybex Priam 4: a 4-in-1 travel system which is just as versatile as life itself. Use the Priam’s frame in va... więcejrious ways: - as stroller with the Lux Carrycot - as stroller with the Seat Pack and Platinum Lite Cot - as travelling system with one of the Cybex car seats - as luxurious buggy with a forward and rearward facing position Cybex Priam 4 Frame– a modern frame The Cybex Priam 4 Frame is a modern frame with an integrated seat frame. Personalize your seat with one of the amazing seat packs (not included). Fold the Cybex Priam 4 frame to a compact package for easy storing. Thanks to the easy one-hand-handling your seat is reclined in any position within the blink of an eye. On top of that, the seat is reversible so your little one can face you or discover the world outside. Extra spacious, extra comfortable Let your little one enjoy the luxurious Cybex Priam 4 Carry Cot Lux. The Carry Cot Lux is compatible
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
6 521 

Cybex Priam 4 Stroller Complete - Chrome Black Frame

Meet Cybex Priam 4: a 4-in-1 travel system which is just as versatile as life itself. Use the Priam’s frame in va... więcejrious ways: - as stroller with the Lux Carrycot - as stroller with the Seat Pack and Platinum Lite Cot - as travelling system with one of the Cybex car seats - as luxurious buggy with a forward and rearward facing position Cybex Priam 4 Frame– a modern frame The Cybex Priam 4 Frame is a modern frame with an integrated seat frame. Personalize your seat with one of the amazing seat packs (not included). Fold the Cybex Priam 4 frame to a compact package for easy storing. Thanks to the easy one-hand-handling your seat is reclined in any position within the blink of an eye. On top of that, the seat is reversible so your little one can face you or discover the world outside. Extra spacious, extra comfortable Let your little one enjoy the luxurious Cybex Priam 4 Carry Cot Lux. The Carry Cot Lux is compatible
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
6 304 

Cybex Priam 4 Frame incl. Seat Hardpart

Meet Cybex Priam 4: a 4-in-1 travel system which is just as versatile as life itself. Use the Priam’s frame in va... więcejrious ways: - as stroller with the Lux Carrycot - as stroller with the Seat Pack and Platinum Lite Cot - as travelling system with one of the Cybex car seats - as luxurious buggy with a forward and rearward facing position Cybex Priam 4 Frame– a modern frame The Cybex Priam 4 Frame is a modern frame with an integrated seat frame. Personalize your seat with one of the amazing seat packs (not included). Fold the Cybex Priam 4 frame to a compact package for easy storing. Thanks to the easy one-hand-handling your seat is reclined in any position within the blink of an eye. On top of that, the seat is reversible so your little one can face you or discover the world outside. Characteristics The Cybex Priam 4 Frame Including Seat Hardpart has the following characteristics: - Priam Frame incl. Seat
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
3 913 
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