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Kostiumy karnawałowe TEDDY

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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Does not come with Big Stick Teddy Roosevelt is the least presidential o all the presidents. In our opinion, that's one of his best qualities. He wasn't stuck up, in fact, he was always getting into a więcej→ll sorts of scrapes even after he was voted into office. He went blind in one eye after a boxing incident in the White House. Did he stop fighting in the White House after that happened? Not really, he just switched to jiu-jitsu. Teddy didn't hesitate to become the first president to travel the continental US, braving the treacherous wilderness of the wild west despite the worries of the politicians back in Washington. Actually, he took it further, while he was on the west coast on a speaking to…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Does not come with Big Stick Teddy Roosevelt is the least presidential o all the presidents. In our opinion, that's one of his best qualities. He wasn't stuck up, in fact, he was always getting into a więcej→ll sorts of scrapes even after he was voted into office. He went blind in one eye after a boxing incident in the White House. Did he stop fighting in the White House after that happened? Not really, he just switched to jiu-jitsu. Teddy didn't hesitate to become the first president to travel the continental US, braving the treacherous wilderness of the wild west despite the worries of the politicians back in Washington. Actually, he took it further, while he was on the west coast on a speaking to…
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