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Kostiumy karnawałowe GAL

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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A wild west saloon Being a Saloon Gal in the old Wild Wild West meant a couple of very important things. Namely, that you greatly enjoy piano playing, and that you greatly enjoy whiskey sipping! Yup, więcej→that's about it, because these ladies of the Old West loved to spend their time hanging out at the local watering hole, making lots of friends and having a good time! That's what that lifestyle was all about, of course, and these women of the West had a distinctive style of dress, too. A hi-low bustle skirt, corset, and an off-the-shoulder dress would be the typical attire of a Saloon gal, and if you'd like to give the Wild West a go, all you're going to need to get into character is a dress that …
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