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Kostiumy karnawałowe Franco

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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This is a Men's Regency Duke Vest and Dickey.
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Face the Nation Becoming a national icon is a lot of responsibility. There are so many ways to rile up the nation's citizens. You can't be caught making any kind of social mistake. No biting your nail więcej→s while listening to a boring political speech. No coughing powdered sugar all over yourself when you try and bite into a beignet with grace and utterly fail. You don't want to get caught dozing on public transportation or smiling with lettuce caught in your teeth. In short, you'd have to remember that you're the face of the nation at all times. The best way to remember your station? Dressing the part, of course! So if you're ready to move into the white house as the first lady, you're sure to l…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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This is a Women's Mrs. Sensational Costume.
Dostawa: w Polsce
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The house lights go down. A spotlight circles to the center of the stage. The curtains rustle in front of the brick wall. The brass band to the side of the stage shuffles in their seats, getting ready więcej→. The noise in the club quiets down as a man in a dark suit and fedora enters the stage and, leaning over the microphone says, "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome for her debut, the marvelous Miss Silver!" The crowd roars as you step on stage, all shimmer and seduction. It's easy to imagine yourself as a twenties jazz star when you slip into this stunning silver flapper ensemble. The layers of metallic silver fringe would catch the stage lights and dazzle onlookers. In fact, the crowd would probably …
Dostawa: w Polsce
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This is a Men's Regency Gentleman Costume
Dostawa: w Polsce
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This is a Men's Regency Gentleman Costume
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Time for Some Tea and Civilized Conversation "U up? Wyd?" Ugh, no thanks. Leave the texting era behind and go back to a time where the rules of civility were stylish and you could dress up as much as więcej→you like. It's not as though we want to get rid of indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and espresso machines, but it would be nice to be able to go to a ball - or more than one! - every season. Performing a quadrillion just sounds classier than doing the Funky Chicken somehow.  Product Details Take a turn about the ballroom in this Women's Regency Duchess Costume! Perfect for costume parties, festivals, and more, this outfit includes a floor-length blue gown patterned with a silver floral design. …
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Time for Some Tea and Civilized Conversation "U up? Wyd?" Ugh, no thanks. Leave the texting era behind and go back to a time where the rules of civility were stylish and you could dress up as much as więcej→you like. It's not as though we want to get rid of indoor plumbing, air conditioning, and espresso machines, but it would be nice to be able to go to a ball - or more than one! - every season. Performing a quadrillion just sounds classier than doing the Funky Chicken somehow.  Product Details Take a turn about the ballroom in this Women's Regency Duchess Costume! Perfect for costume parties, festivals, and more, this outfit includes a floor-length blue gown patterned with a silver floral design. …
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Historical Spotlights In our experience, some of the best-looking costumes get overlooked just because they were inspired by a historical era that doesn’t lend itself to outfits with a lot of bells an więcej→d whistles. But this Adult Green Renaissance Lady Costume is the rare exception, because it goes hand-in-hand with one of the best-known tunes in English folk music! So just for fun, we thought we’d toss in a few bars of our own interpretation: Alas, good lady, you’re headed wrong If you think you can purchase thee A finer set of Renaissance duds Than this gown in the color green. Green, green is on the sleeves, It’s on the bodice, o’er the knees, It’s in the grass, it’s in the trees, Now you…
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