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Kostiumy karnawałowe Colorful

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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Eggstra Special A plain hardboiled egg is undeniably a very nice thing. You can eat it as a protein-rich snack or chop it up and add a little mayo to make it a sandwich filling. But it's not very exci więcej→ting, is it? It's certainly not something that you would jump up and down and squeal about if you found it in your yard. But slap some dye on it and give it some fanciful patterns and suddenly that unassuming hardboiled egg makes an Easter treat that the whole family will love! Product Details Have an eggcellent Easter when you wear this exclusive Colorful Easter Egg Adult Costume! The unisex tunic is made of two foam-backed fabric panels held together by side and shoulder straps made of white webbing.…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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One of the most iconic and fun events at a party is the candy-filled and colorful piñata. Some might argue that a party isn’t a smash without one. Watching friends and family blindly swing at the prom więcej→ise of a rain of candy just can’t be beat. It is unquestionably a hit amongst the kids (both the small ones and the big ones), even though they’ll probably need a good glass of punch after taking their turn. But, once they manage to knock it down, it’s definitely the time for treats! Though, the colorful creature deserves a bit of spotlight time outside the conventional birthday party, too. It is a great device for the Day of the Dead, too! The bright colors fit in perfectly, not to mention having co…
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