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Kostiumy karnawałowe BarTon

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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Angel of the Battlefield Life as a soldier in the Civil War was pretty brutal. The conditions were awful. Any injury could be life-threatening and medical care was scant. With these dismal circumstanc więcej→es, it's no wonder that the capable Clara Barton was known as the angel of the battlefield! She would go out to distribute life-saving care, washing wounds, changing bandages, offering water and soup to the miserable soldiers in the muck and smoke. Her courage on the battlefield was famous. This led the way to make sure women could take on the role of battlefield nurse with an element of respect. After the war, Ms. Barton traveled to Switzerland, learning about all the good the European Red Cross …
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Angel of the Battlefield Life as a soldier in the Civil War was pretty brutal. The conditions were awful. Any injury could be life-threatening and medical care was scant. With these dismal circumstanc więcej→es, it's no wonder that the capable Clara Barton was known as the angel of the battlefield! She would go out to distribute life-saving care, washing wounds, changing bandages, offering water and soup to the miserable soldiers in the muck and smoke. Her courage on the battlefield was famous. This led the way to make sure women could take on the role of battlefield nurse with an element of respect. After the war, Ms. Barton traveled to Switzerland, learning about all the good the European Red Cross …
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