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Ігри серії Ghostrunner

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— одиночна гра в стилі екшн, події якої розгортаються у вигаданому постапокаліптичному світі. Останнім притулком людства після всесвітньої катастрофи стала висока вежа Дхарма. Персонаж повинен подолати шлях до самої вершини вежі і повалити її правителя, подарувавши людству шанс на виживання. У місті-вежі панують насильство та жорстокі порядки — у динамічних битвах протагоністу доведеться здолати чимало супротивників, попутно лавіруючи вузькими вуличками Дхарми. Гра випущена у 2020 році під платформи Windows, PS 4/5, Xbox One та X/S, Nintendo Switch.
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Poleje się krew. Nadchodzi wyczekiwany hardcorowy slasher FPP, rozgrywający się po wydarzeniach z pierwszej odsłony. Przeżyj przygodę w cyberpunkowej post-apokaliptycznej przyszłości, umiejscowionej r ще→ok po upadku Kluczniczki – tyranki rządzącej Wieżą Dharma, ostatnią ostoją ludzkości. Jack wraca, by zmierzyć się z brutalnym kultem SI, który powstał na zewnątrz Wieży Dharma, i zadecydować o losie ludzkości.
Blood will run in the highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure through a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the ще→Keymaster, a tyrant who ruled over Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind. Jack is back to take on the violent AI cult that has assembled outside Dharma Tower and shape the future of humanity. THIS IS A PRE-ORDER. WE WILL START DELIVERING IT IN 1-2 DAYS BEFORE THE RELEASE (RELEASE DATE: OCTOBER 26)
Ghostrunner is a first-person action SLASHER game with slick parkour-inspired gameplay elements. Players assume the role of an android ninja and use a combination of abilities and melee katana combat ще→to slice foes as they ascend treacherous neon cyberpunk skyscrapers of the future. Players havea wide range of movement abilities, including wall running, sliding, and time manipulation to eliminate all targets in their way. The result is an extremely agile character providing players ultimate satisfaction with each potent swing of a katana. (superhuman blade fighter). Death is inevitable. Players have one hit point and must use their kill mechanics and dynamic mobility to overcome challenging foes …
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Ghostrunner 2 - key features Sequel to the acclaimed Ghostrunner title by 505 Games. Explore a dystopian cyberpunk future in a post-apocalyptic setting. I
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Ghostrunner 2 - key features Continuation of the popular Ghostrunner series developed by 505 Games. Embark on an adventure in a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk worl
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Ghost Runner 2 for PC is a hardcore action first-person-platformer video game, the sequel to 2020’s Ghostrunner. Just like the first game, the action never gives up or lets you catch your breath, so y ще→ou must be ready to go from the moment you hit ‘play’ and the first sick beat starts up.
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Ghostrunner for PC is a hardcore slasher video game, featuring exciting cyberpunk action with lively parkour moves set in a techno dystopia where everyone must have factional loyalty to survive. Pover ще→ty and violence abound, and players are the heroes who use all means at their disposal to fight the uncaring authorities, both in their real world and in cyberworld with judicious hacks and careful sabotage. What’s the Story? When the game begins, calamity has already struck and residents (survivors might be a more appropriate term!) are in a carefully balanced battle against the authorities who seek to hoard and control the meagre resources that remain, without caring what happens to the
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Oprogramowanie językowe: angielski, hiszpański, włoski, francuski, niemiecki.Język na pudełku: hiszpański.Przygotuj się na doświadczenie nowego poziomu grania z 505 GAMES PS5 Ghostrunner II.Ta wieloko ще→lorowa gra na konsolę Playstation 5 obiecuje dostarczyć pełnej akcji rozgrywki, intensywnej walki i zapierającej dech w piersiach grafiki.Wkrocz do cyberpunkowego świata Ghostrunner, w którym wcielasz się w cybernetycznego ninja walczącego z tyrańskim reżimem.Z błyskawicznymi refleksami i różnorodnymi futurystycznymi broniami do dyspozycji, będziesz musiał poruszać się po zdradzieckich środowiskach i pokonywać potężnych wrogów, aby odkryć prawdę o swoim
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Oprogramowanie językowe: angielski, hiszpański, włoski, francuski, niemiecki.Język na pudełku: hiszpański.505 GAMES Xbox Series X Ghostrunner II Multicolor to ekscytująca i pełna akcji gra na konsolę ще→Xbox Series X.W tej kontynuacji popularnej gry Ghostrunner gracze ponownie wcielą się w cybernetycznego zabójcę, wyposażonego w nadludzkie zdolności i ostrą jak brzytwa katanę.Dzięki ulepszonej grafice i mechanice rozgrywki gracze mogą spodziewać się jeszcze bardziej intensywnych i emocjonujących walk, poruszając się po futurystycznych, dystopijnych miejskich krajobrazach i stawiając czoła potężnym wrogom.Gra oferuje wymagające i wciągające wrażenia, z szybkimi
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Ghostrunner is a first-person action SLASHER game with slick parkour-inspired gameplay elements. Players assume the role of an android ninja and use a combination of abilities and melee katana combat ще→to slice foes as they ascend treacherous neon cyberpunk skyscrapers of the future. Players havea wide range of movement abilities, including wall running, sliding, and time manipulation to eliminate all targets in their way. The result is an extremely agile character providing players ultimate satisfaction with each potent swing of a katana. (superhuman blade fighter). Death is inevitable. Players have one hit point and must use their kill mechanics and dynamic mobility to overcome challenging foes …
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Ghostrunner: Project_Hel Dive into the brutal and violent story of Hel, the Ghostrunner boss, in the upcoming DLC, Project_Hel. Fight your way through Dharma Tower to crush the Climbers' rebellion. Be ще→at new levels, defeat new bosses, experience a brand-new story, and play as a new brutal character. Remember, if it moves, it can be killed. Welcome to the Future. It's Gonna Kill You
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Ghostrunner: Complete Edition Includes 8 items: Ghostrunner, Ghostrunner - Digital Artbook, Ghostrunner - Halloween Pack, Ghostrunner - Metal OX Pack, Ghostrunner - Neon Pack, Ghostrunner - Project_He ще→l, Ghostrunner - Soundtrack, Ghostrunner - Winter Pack Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge. The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life. As resources
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Ghostrunner 2 Deluxe Edition Includes: Ghostrunner 2 Game Ahriman's Katana Sword and Hand Skin Modern Energy Sword and Hand Skin Molten Blade Sword and Hand Skin Gothic Blue Sword and Hand Skin Hand H ще→ologram with Username Blood will run in the highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure through a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the Keymaster, a tyrant who ruled over Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind. Jack is back to take on the violent AI cult that has assembled outside Dharma Tower and shape the future of humanity. Featuring incredible katana combat mechanics, a deeper exploration of the world
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Ghostrunner 2 Brutal Edition Includes: Ghostrunner 2 Game Ahriman's Katana Sword and Hand Skin Modern Energy Sword and Hand Skin Molten Blade Sword and Hand Skin Gothic Blue Sword and Hand Skin Hand H ще→ologram with Username Aqua Animated Sword and Hand Skin Design 24A Motorcycle Skin Ghostrunner 2 Season Pass ($19.99 Value) Blood will run in the highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure through a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the Keymaster, a tyrant who ruled over Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind. Jack is back to take on the violent AI cult that has assembled outside Dharma Tower and shape the
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Ghostrunner: Complete Edition Includes 8 items: Ghostrunner, Ghostrunner - Digital Artbook, Ghostrunner - Halloween Pack, Ghostrunner - Metal OX Pack, Ghostrunner - Neon Pack, Ghostrunner - Project_He ще→l, Ghostrunner - Soundtrack, Ghostrunner - Winter Pack Ghostrunner is a hardcore FPP slasher packed with lightning-fast action, set in a grim, cyberpunk megastructure. Climb Dharma Tower, humanity’s last shelter, after a world-ending cataclysm. Make your way up from the bottom to the top, confront the tyrannical Keymaster, and take your revenge. The streets of this tower city are full of violence. Mara the Keymaster rules with an iron fist and little regard for human life. As resources
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Blood will run in the highly anticipated hardcore FPP slasher set one year after the events of Ghostrunner. Adventure through a post-apocalyptic cyberpunk future that takes place after the fall of the ще→Keymaster, a tyrant who ruled over Dharma Tower, the last refuge of mankind. Jack is back to take on the violent AI cult that has assembled outside Dharma Tower and shape the future of humanity. Featuring incredible katana combat mechanics, a deeper exploration of the world beyond Dharma Tower, nonlinear levels with complex motorbike sections, exciting new modes, and all the action you loved about Ghostrunner. Plus, boss fights are more interactive, giving players freedom to choose how to
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