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Gry serii Just Cause

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Just Cause

— seria przygodowych strzelanek z perspektywy trzeciej osoby z otwartym światem i możliwością prowadzenia pojazdów oraz korzystania z dodatkowego wyposażenia, takiego jak paralotnia. Fabuła każdej gry opiera się na konfrontacji kilku grup w walce o kontrolę nad określonym terytorium; akcja toczy się w fikcyjnych lokacjach inspirowanych prawdziwymi regionami (Karaiby, Azja Południowo-Wschodnia, Morze Śródziemne, Ameryka Środkowa). Misje fabularne można ukończyć w dowolnym momencie, dostępnych jest również wiele misji dodatkowych, pozwalających na zdobywanie trofeów i autorytetów z danej frakcji; zadania z reguły można wykonywać na różne sposoby.

Na 2019 rok seria obejmowała 4 gry na główne platformy stacjonarne (PC, PS, Xbox).
Just Cause
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Just Cause 3, to gra akcji. Podczas rozgrywki użytkownik kieruje postacią Rico Rodriqueza, pracownika Centralnej Agencji Wywiadowczej, który w pierwszej części gry próbował obalić samozwańczy rząd w A więcej→meryce Południowej. Za tytuł odpowiada ponownie ekipa Avalanche, a stroną wydawniczą zajęła się firma Square-Enix, znana z takich cyklów jak Deus Ex, Final Fantasy i Tomb Raider.
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Witamy w Solís, ogromnym świecie położonym w Ameryce Południowej pogrążonym w konfliktach, ucisku i ekstremalnych warunkach pogodowych. W Just Cause 4 nieuczciwy agent Rico Rodriguez przybywa do Solis więcej→, aby odkryć prawdę o swojej przeszłości, bez względu na koszty. Załóż swój wingsuit, wyposaż się w konfigurowalny hak z hakiem i przygotuj się na rozpętanie burzy!Cechy:Uwolnij burzę:- Szybuj w przestworzach w kombinezonie wingsuit - skoki spadochronowe, skoki w dół i nurkowanie swobodne bez ograniczeń!- Walcz z wrogami w ekstremalnych warunkach pogodowych, w tym strzelistych tornadach i burzach tropikalnych, które przenoszą legendarne działania Just Cause na nowe
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Stop enemies in their tracks with the long-range negotiating power of the Final Argument Sniper Rifle, equipped with explosive rounds.
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The Just Cause 4 Digital Deluxe Content provide players with experimental Black Hand equipment: the Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet and the Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit.  The Black Hand Steal więcej→th Micro Jet: This special aircraft has retractable wings and experimental stealth optic camouflage on top of an elite on-board attack arsenal. Fight back against the Black Hand with their own technology!  The Black Hand Prototype'Skystriker' Weaponized Wingsuit: Wingsuit technology taken to the extreme! The Black Hand's secret weapon - this prototype wingsuit attachment features boost technology, barrel rolls, and can unleash devastating missile barrages. When fully upgraded, this prototype
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Includes: base game Deathstalker Scorpion Pack The Black Hand Stealth Microfighter Jet The Black Hand Prototype'Skystriker' Weaponized Wingsuit Welcome to Solis, a huge South American world home of co więcej→nflict, oppression and extreme weather conditions. Just Cause 4 sees rogue agent Rico Rodriguez land in Solis to hunt down the truth about his past, at any cost. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder! Features Bring The Thunder: Soar through the skies with your wingsuit - Skydive, Base Jump and Free Dive with no limits! Fight your enemies under extreme weather conditions, including towering tornadoes and tropical lightning
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DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION For a limited time, receive the following with your purchase: 24H early access* Steam Exclusive Wallpaper Deathstalker Scorpion Pack * 24H early access only applicable to Digita więcej→l Deluxe Edition and Gold Edition purchases. The Digital Deluxe Edition includes the game and the following special Black Hand weaponry: the Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet and the Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit.  The Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet: This special aircraft has retractable wings and experimental stealth optic camouflage on top of an elite on-board attack arsenal. Fight back against the Black Hand with their own technology!  The Black Hand Prototype Weaponized Wingsuit:
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Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress is available now! Just Cause 3: Sky Fortress is the first PDLC pack from the Air, Land& Sea Expansion pass. Become the master of the skies with Rico's all new and fully arme więcej→d, Bavarium Wingsuit. Save Medici from the threat of the terrifying Sky Fortress and its army of deadly robotic drones. This content pack includes new missions, challenges, the"Bavarium Splitter" assault rifle and the"Eviction" personal defence drone, all of which can be carried over into the main game.
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Unlock the true potential of Just Cause 4 with the Complete Edition! This ultimate all-in-one package includes all previously released improvements and additions to the game as well as access to all B więcej→lack Market, Expansion Pass and Premium content. Jump into an explosive open-world sandbox experience, fully loaded with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder! Just Cause 4 Complete Edition includes: - Just Cause 4 - Black Market Bundle (Access to all Black Market/Premium Content) - Dare Devils of Destruction Expansion - Los Demonios Expansion - Danger Rising Expansion -
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Just Cause 4 Reloaded delivers an expansive and explosive gameplay experience in an all-new package! Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes additional premium content as well as all previously released improv więcej→ements and additions to the game. Jump into an action-packed open-world sandbox experience and cause chaos with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder!  Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes: - Just Cause 4 -‘Skystriker’ Weaponized Wingsuit - Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet - Neon Racer Pack - Deathstalker Scorpion Pack - Renegade Pack
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Just Cause 4 Reloaded delivers an expansive and explosive gameplay experience in an all-new package! Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes additional premium content as well as all previously released improv więcej→ements and additions to the game. Jump into an action-packed open-world sandbox experience and cause chaos with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder!  Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes: - Just Cause 4 -‘Skystriker’ Weaponized Wingsuit - Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet - Neon Racer Pack - Deathstalker Scorpion Pack - Renegade Pack
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Just Cause 2 - DLC Collection
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Just Cause 4 Reloaded delivers an expansive and explosive gameplay experience in an all-new package! Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes additional premium content as well as all previously released improv więcej→ements and additions to the game. Jump into an action-packed open-world sandbox experience and cause chaos with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder!  Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes: - Just Cause 4 -‘Skystriker’ Weaponized Wingsuit - Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet - Neon Racer Pack - Deathstalker Scorpion Pack - Renegade Pack
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Unlock the true potential of Just Cause 4 with the Complete Edition! This ultimate all-in-one package includes all previously released improvements and additions to the game as well as access to all B więcej→lack Market, Expansion Pass and Premium content. Jump into an explosive open-world sandbox experience, fully loaded with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder! Just Cause 4 Complete Edition includes: - Just Cause 4 - Black Market Bundle (Access to all Black Market/Premium Content) - Dare Devils of Destruction Expansion - Los Demonios Expansion - Danger Rising Expansion -
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Unlock the true potential of Just Cause 4 with the Complete Edition! This ultimate all-in-one package includes all previously released improvements and additions to the game as well as access to all B więcej→lack Market, Expansion Pass and Premium content. Jump into an explosive open-world sandbox experience, fully loaded with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder! Just Cause 4 Complete Edition includes: - Just Cause 4 - Black Market Bundle (Access to all Black Market/Premium Content) - Dare Devils of Destruction Expansion - Los Demonios Expansion - Danger Rising Expansion -
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Just Cause 4 Reloaded delivers an expansive and explosive gameplay experience in an all-new package! Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes additional premium content as well as all previously released improv więcej→ements and additions to the game. Jump into an action-packed open-world sandbox experience and cause chaos with a wide selection of weaponry, vehicles, and gear. Strap into your wingsuit, equip your fully customizable grappling hook, and get ready to bring the thunder!  Just Cause 4 Reloaded includes: - Just Cause 4 -‘Skystriker’ Weaponized Wingsuit - Black Hand Stealth Micro Jet - Neon Racer Pack - Deathstalker Scorpion Pack - Renegade Pack
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