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Pozostałe towary dla dzieci

 ceny na 2627 modele  
To jest idealna miska dla Twojego ma?ego smakosza, z mocnym przyssawk? na dole, aby utrzyma? (przynajmniej) naczynia na stole. I nie martw si? - nasza miseczka silikonowa jest idealnie dopasowana do ka?dego dziecka odkrywaj?cego jedzenie! Z pi?knymi nordyckimi kolorami i minimalistycznym kszta?tem, nasza miska zosta?a stworzona dla rodzin lubi?cych funkcjonalny design. Nasza miska wykonana jest w 100% z silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni, co u?atwia dziecku poruszanie sztu?cami. Silikon to bardzo trwa?y materia?, który nie p?knie ani nie z?amie si? jak plastik. Nasze miseczki silikonowe s? odporne na ciep?o i mo?na je czy?ci? w zmywarce. Nasze miseczki silikonowe wyst?puj? w zestawie dwóch pi?knych pr…
97 zł

Złóż skargę
Z naszymi kubkami silikonowymi, skorzystasz z wielu posi?ków. Nasz uroczy, ?redniej wielko?ci kubek pasuje do r?k wielu dzieci. Kubek jest wykonany w 100% z silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni dla komfortowego uczucia i pewnym chwycie nawet dla najmniejszych cz?onków rodziny. Dzi?ki swoim pi?knym nordyckim kolorom i minimalistycznemu kszta?towi, nasz kubek idealnie pasuje do rodzin lubi?cych funkcjonalny design. Silikon to bardzo trwa?y materia?, który nie p?knie ani nie z?amie si? jak plastik. Nasze kubki silikonowe s? odporne na wysokie temperatury i mo?na je czy?ci? w zmywarce. Nasze zestawy sk?adaj? si? z dwóch pi?knych elementów
78 zł

Złóż skargę
?wietny kubek ?redniej wielko?ci, który pasuje do wielu rozmiarów dzieci?cych r?k. Kubek jest wykonany z 100% silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni, co daje zarówno komfortowe uczucie, jak i pewny chwyt dla dzieci?cych r?k. To idealny kubek dla rodziny z dzie?mi, gdzie chcesz, aby wygl?da? ?adnie, ale jednocze?nie by? praktyczny. Dlatego produkt mo?e wytrzyma? upadek na pod?og?. Kiedy trzeba dzia?a? szybko, produkt mo?e wytrzyma? piekarnik mikrofalowy i zmywark? do naczy?.
84 zł

Złóż skargę
?wietny kubek ?redniej wielko?ci, który pasuje do wielu rozmiarów dzieci?cych r?k. Kubek jest wykonany z 100% silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni, co daje zarówno komfortowe uczucie, jak i pewny chwyt dla dzieci?cych r?k. To idealny kubek dla rodziny z dzie?mi, gdzie chcesz, aby wygl?da? ?adnie, ale jednocze?nie by? praktyczny. Dlatego produkt mo?e wytrzyma? upadek na pod?og?. Kiedy trzeba dzia?a? szybko, produkt mo?e wytrzyma? piekarnik mikrofalowy i zmywark? do naczy?.
78 zł

Złóż skargę
Z naszymi kubkami silikonowymi, skorzystasz z wielu posi?ków. Nasz uroczy, ?redniej wielko?ci kubek pasuje do r?k wielu dzieci. Kubek jest wykonany w 100% z silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni dla komfortowego uczucia i pewnym chwycie nawet dla najmniejszych cz?onków rodziny. Dzi?ki swoim pi?knym nordyckim kolorom i minimalistycznemu kszta?towi, nasz kubek idealnie pasuje do rodzin lubi?cych funkcjonalny design. Silikon to bardzo trwa?y materia?, który nie p?knie ani nie z?amie si? jak plastik. Nasze kubki silikonowe s? odporne na wysokie temperatury i mo?na je czy?ci? w zmywarce. Nasze zestawy sk?adaj? si? z dwóch pi?knych elementów
94 zł

Złóż skargę
Dinner time just became a lot easier with this practical plate, developed in collaboration with Danish children’s nutritionist Signe Severin. According to Signe, the minimalist FILIBABBA design with its beautiful colours will encourage your little one to want to tuck into a delicious meal.Our silicone plate is divided into sections with one large compartment and two small fun bowls which make the plate your ideal choice for baby led weaning (BLW). Too, the sections help you to keep the different ingredients separate from each other, as many children prefer. With a strong suction cup underneath, at least the plate is kept on the table during meal time.Nice nordic colours and a round shape make o…
Czas na kolacj? w?a?nie sta? si? o wiele ?atwiejszy dzi?ki tej praktycznej talerzyce, opracowanej we wspó?pracy z du?sk? dietetyczk? dzieci?c? Signe Severin. Wed?ug Signe minimalistyczny design FILIBABBA wraz z pi?knymi kolorami zach?ci Twoje dziecko do skosztowania pysznego posi?ku. Nasza talerzyca silikonowa jest podzielona na sekcje: jedno du?e i dwa ma?e miseczki, co czyni j? idealnym wyborem dla BLW (baby led weaning). Sekcje pomagaj? równie? utrzyma? ró?ne sk?adniki oddzielone od siebie, co wielu dzieciom odpowiada. Dzi?ki mocnemu przyssawkowi spód talerzyka pozostaje na stole podczas jedzenia. Pi?kne nordyckie kolory i okr?g?y kszta?t sprawiaj?, ?e nasza podzielona talerzyca jest idea…
This great set of three beautiful knives is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly knives are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the knife and eat by itself.Our knives for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our knives, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
Set with 3 beautiful knives in a nice color. Super nice and user-friendly knife that fits well in the child's hand, which makes it easier for the child to learn the technique of holding the knife and eating by himself or herself. The knives are made of 100% stainless steel with silicone handles. The silicone handle makes it both comfortable and easy for the child to hold the product. It is the ideal knife for a family with children where you want it to look nice, but at the same time be practical. Therefore, the product can withstand falling to the floor. The product is dishwasher safe.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
Set with 3 beautiful knives in a nice color. Super nice and user-friendly knife that fits well in the child's hand, which makes it easier for the child to learn the technique of holding the knife and eating by himself or herself. The knives are made of 100% stainless steel with silicone handles. The silicone handle makes it both comfortable and easy for the child to hold the product. It is the ideal knife for a family with children where you want it to look nice, but at the same time be practical. Therefore, the product can withstand falling to the floor. The product is dishwasher safe.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
This great set of three beautiful knives is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly knives are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the knife and eat by itself.Our knives for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our knives, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
To jest idealna talerzyk dla Twojego ma?ego smakosza z mocnym przyssawk? na dole, aby utrzyma? (przynajmniej) talerz na stole. I nie martw si? - nasz silikonowy talerzyk jest idealny dla ka?dego dziecka, które odkrywa jedzenie! Z pi?knymi nordyckimi kolorami i minimalistycznym kszta?tem, nasz talerzyk zosta? stworzony dla rodzin lubi?cych funkcjonalny design. Nasz talerzyk wykonany jest w 100% z silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni, co u?atwia dziecku korzystanie z sztu?ców. Silikon to bardzo trwa?y materia?, który nie p?knie ani nie z?amie si? jak plastik. Nasze silikonowe talerze s? odporne na wysokie temperatury i mo?na je czy?ci? w zmywarce. Nasze zestawy sk?adaj? si? z dwóch pi?knych elementów.…
Pakiet dwóch talerzy silikonowych - brzoskwinia
?adny talerz o odpowiednim rozmiarze z przyssawk? na spodzie. Przyssawka pomaga utrzyma? talerz na miejscu, dzi?ki czemu unikasz zbyt du?ego rozlania. Wykonany jest w 100% z silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni, co daje komfortowe uczucie i u?atwia dziecku korzystanie ze sztu?ców wokó? talerza. To idealny talerz dla rodziny z dzie?mi, gdzie chcesz, aby wygl?da? ?adnie, ale jednocze?nie by? praktyczny. Dlatego produkt mo?e wytrzyma? upadek na pod?og?. Kiedy musi by? szybko, produkt mo?e wytrzyma? piekarnik, mikrofalówk? i zmywark?.
99 zł

Złóż skargę
?adny talerz o odpowiednim rozmiarze z przyssawk? na spodzie. Przyssawka pomaga utrzyma? talerz na miejscu, dzi?ki czemu unikasz zbyt du?ego rozlania. Wykonany jest w 100% z silikonu o mi?kkiej powierzchni, co daje komfortowe uczucie i u?atwia dziecku korzystanie ze sztu?ców wokó? talerza. To idealny talerz dla rodziny z dzie?mi, gdzie chcesz, aby wygl?da? ?adnie, ale jednocze?nie by? praktyczny. Dlatego produkt mo?e wytrzyma? upadek na pod?og?. Kiedy musi by? szybko, produkt mo?e wytrzyma? piekarnik, mikrofalówk? i zmywark?.
This great set of three beautiful spoons is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly spoons are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the spoon and eat by itself.Our spoons for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our spoons, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
63 zł

Złóż skargę
This great set of three beautiful spoons is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly spoons are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the spoon and eat by itself.Our spoons for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our spoons, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
Set of 3 beautiful spoons in a nice color. Super nice and user-friendly spoon that fits well in the child's hand, which makes it easier for the child to learn the technique of holding the spoon and eating by themselves. The spoons are made of 100% stainless steel with silicone handles. The silicone handle makes it both comfortable and easy for the child to hold the product. It is the ideal spoon for a family with children where you want it to look nice, but at the same time be practical. Therefore, the product can withstand falling to the floor. The product is dishwasher safe.
64 zł

Złóż skargę
Set of 3 beautiful spoons in a nice color. Super nice and user-friendly spoon that fits well in the child's hand, which makes it easier for the child to learn the technique of holding the spoon and eating by themselves. The spoons are made of 100% stainless steel with silicone handles. The silicone handle makes it both comfortable and easy for the child to hold the product. It is the ideal spoon for a family with children where you want it to look nice, but at the same time be practical. Therefore, the product can withstand falling to the floor. The product is dishwasher safe.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
This great set of three beautiful spoons is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly spoons are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the spoon and eat by itself.Our spoons for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our spoons, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
64 zł

Złóż skargę
This great set of three beautiful forks is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly forks are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the fork and eat by itself.Our forks for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our forks, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
66 zł

Złóż skargę
This great set of three beautiful forks is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly forks are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the fork and eat by itself.Our forks for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our forks, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
63 zł

Złóż skargę
This great set of three beautiful forks is made for small gourmets and all kids who are discovering food. Thus, our toddler-friendly forks are made to fit your child’s hand, which makes it easier for your child to hold the fork and eat by itself.Our forks for children are made of 100% stainless steel with handles made from super soft food safe silicone which of course can be cleaned in the dishwasher. Silicone is a very durable material that will not crack or break like plastic. With our forks, you will make the most of many mealtimes.
65 zł

Złóż skargę
The Ingenuity™ AnyWay Sway™ Portable Swing gives your little one a cozy place to sit, snuggle, and sway, and gives your arms a much-deserved break! This fully-loaded portable baby swing rotates 180° & swings in 3 directions, keeping baby soothed and in sight at all times. Designed to adapt to the ever-changing lifestyle of new parents, the AnyWay Sway™ offers two mode settings: calming swing or vibrating seat, and features a pivoting toy bar that can capture baby's attention and keep them entertained. Because babies come in all shapes and sizes, a removable headrest cradles small babies and newborns until they no longer need the extra support. The quiet swing motor helps baby stay rested
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