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Pozostałe dla kotów i kotek Carnilove

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Hipoalergiczne mi?so z indyka wspiera optymaln? kondycj? fizyczn? i rozwój mi??ni. Wysoka zawarto?? tryptofanu pomaga zmniejszy? poziom stresu. Koz?ek lekarski pomaga zapobiega? stresowi i uspokaja uk?ad nerwowy. ?agodzi równie? wra?liwe trawienie.
18 zł

Złóż skargę
CARNILOVE Turkey & Salmon Wet Cat Food tins are a complete food for adult cats. CARNILOVE Turkey & Salmon Wet Cat Food contains 55% Wild-origin meats (white muscle meat) and is a complete food which is both Grain and Potato free. Composition: 35% turkey meat, turkey liver, turkey hearts, 42.9% broth, 20% salmon, 1% cranberries, 1% minerals, 0.1% salmon oil Analytical Constituents: crude protein 10.6%, fat content 6.5%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fibre 0.4%, moisture 79%. Vitamins & Minerals: vitamin D3 (E671) 200 IU, vitamin E (?-tocopherol) (3a700) 30 mg, vitamin C (3a312) 40 mg, vitamin B1 (3a821) 13 mg, vitamin B2 6 mg, vitamin B6 (3a831) 3 mg, nicotinamide (3a315) 17 mg, calcium pantothenate …
24 zł

Złóż skargę
Carnilove Indyk i Renifer dla Doros?ych Kotów zosta?o opracowane z szacunkiem dla naturalnego sk?adu diety kota. Indyk jest bogaty w ?atwostrawne bia?ka i ma wysokie poziomy pierwiastków ?ladowych, takich jak cynk, a tak?e zawiera witaminy B3 i B6, które s? kluczowe dla prawid?owego funkcjonowania mózgu, dobrego napi?cia mi??niowego i zdrowia sercowo-naczyniowego. Renifer zawiera wysokie poziomy naturalnych przeciwutleniaczy, nienasyconych kwasów t?uszczowych oraz kwasów t?uszczowych omega-3, mi?so renifera jest idealne do przywrócenia energii po ka?dej przygodzie kotka.
24 zł

Złóż skargę
CARNILOVE Chicken & Lamb Wet Cat Food tins are a complete food for adult cats. CARNILOVE Chicken & Lamb Wet Cat Food contains 55% Wild-origin meats (white muscle meat) and is a complete food which is both Grain and Potato free. Composition: 35% chicken meat, chicken liver, chicken hearts, 42.9% broth, 20% lamb, 1% cranberries, 1% minerals, 0.1% linseed oil Analytical Constituents: crude protein 10.8%, fat content 6.8%, crude ash 2.3%, crude fibre 0.4%, moisture 79%. Vitamins & Minerals: vitamin D3 (E671) 200 IU, vitamin E (?-tocopherol) (3a700) 30 mg, vitamin C (3a312) 40 mg, vitamin B1 (3a821) 13 mg, vitamin B2 6 mg, vitamin B6 (3a831) 3 mg, nicotinamide (3a315) 17 mg, calcium pantothenate …
24 zł

Złóż skargę
CARNILOVE Chicken, Duck & Pheasant Wet Cat Food tins are a complete food for adult cats. CARNILOVE Chicken, Duck & Pheasant Wet Cat Food contains 55% Wild-origin meats (white muscle meat) and is a complete food which is both Grain and Potato free. Composition: 35% chicken meat, chicken liver, chicken hearts, 42.9% broth, 10% duck, 10% pheasant, 1% cranberries, 1% minerals, 0.1% linseed oil Analytical Constituents: crude protein 10.6%, fat content 6.6%, crude ash 2.4%, crude fibre 0.4%, moisture 79%. Vitamins & Minerals: vitamin D3 (E671) 200 IU, vitamin E (?-tocopherol) (3a700) 30 mg, vitamin C (3a312) 40 mg, vitamin B1 (3a821) 13 mg, vitamin B2 6 mg, vitamin B6 (3a831) 3 mg, nicotinamide (3a315) …
24 zł

Złóż skargę
Rich in Quail enriched with Dandelion Complete food for sterilizedcats. Package: 85gComposition: 85% meat in fillets (71% chicken, 14% quail), 12% broth,1% dandelion, 1% linseed oil, 0.5% minerals, 0.5% vegetable starch.Analytical Constituents: Analytical ingredients in 1 kg: Crude protein 8.5 %, crude fat 4.0 %, crude fibres 0.8 %, crude ash 2.2 %, moisture 82.0 %, calcium 0.2 %, phosphorus 0.2 %, sodium 0.4 %, magnesium 0.02 %, omega 3 0.2 %.Vitamins & Minerals: Nutritional additives per 1 kg: vitamin D3 (E671) 250 I.U., vitamin E (3a700) 150 mg, biotin (3a880) 0.5 mg, zinc (3b606) 12 mg, manganese (3b502) 3 mg, iron (3b103) 10 mg, copper (3b405) 0.4 mg, iodine (3b201) 0.7 mg, taurine (3a370) …
30 zł

Złóż skargę
Bogate w ba?anty wzbogacone li??mi malin kompletna karma dla doros?ych kotów. Opakowanie: 85gSk?ad: 85% mi?sa w filetach (71% kurczaka, 14% ba?anta), 12% bulionu,1% li?ci malin, 1% oleju lnianego, 0,5 % minera?ów, skrobia ro?linna.Analiza sk?adników: Sk?adniki analityczne w jednym kilogramie: surowe bia?ko -8.0%, surowy t?uszcz -4.8%, surowe w?ókno -0.5%, popió? surowy-2.1%, wilgotno??-82.0 % ,wap?-0.15 % ,fosfor-0.2 % ,sód-0 .3%, omega3 -0 .2%. Witaminy i minera?y : Dodatki dietetyczne na jeden kilogram : witamina D3 (E671)250 I.U., witamina E(3a700)150 mg,biotyna(3a880)05mg,cynk(3b606)12mg,mangan(3b502)03mg ?elazo (3b103 )10 mg,mied? (3b405 )04 mg,jod (E201 )07 mg,tawaryna (370 )500 mg.Zaw…
31 zł

Złóż skargę
Rich in Rabbit enriched with Marigold Complete food for kittens Package: 85gComposition: 85% meat in fillets (71% chicken, 14% rabbit), 12% broth, 1% marigold, 1% linseed oil, 0.5% minerals, 0.5% vegetable starchAnalytical Constituents: Analytical ingredients in 1 kg: Crude protein 9.5 %, crude fat 4.5 %, crude fibres 0.5 %, crude ash 2.5 %, moisture 82.0 %, calcium 0.15 %, phosphorus 0.2 %, sodium 0.3 %, omega 3 0.2 %.Vitamins & Minerals: Nutritional additives per 1 kg: vitamin D3 (E671) 280 I.U., vitamin E (3a700) 160 mg, biotin (3a880) 0.8 mg, zinc (3b606) 15 mg, manganese (3b502) 4 mg, iron (3b103) 12 mg, copper (3b405) 0.5 mg, iodine (3b201) 0.8 mg, taurine (3a370) 600 mg. Contains natural …
43 zł

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oddo zł
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