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Karmy dla kotów Ice

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Ultima's hugely popular saltwater product, a favourite due to its exceptional combination of quality, strength and reliability. Red Ice has been specifically designed to cope with the rigours of rough, unpredictable ground. Designed using high quality copolymers Red Ice is very strong, extremely soft, highly abrasion resistant and casts superbly. It's reliability is unmatched even in the harshest conditions. Red Ice is the great all-round Hi Vis beach and boat line. With a superb track record, it continues to be the favourite of thousands of anglers around the world and used by many in freshwater situations when a high visibility line is required.
20 zł

Złóż skargę
Ultima's hugely popular saltwater product, a favourite due to its exceptional combination of quality, strength and reliability. Red Ice has been specifically designed to cope with the rigours of rough, unpredictable ground. Designed using high quality copolymers Red Ice is very strong, extremely soft, highly abrasion resistant and casts superbly. It's reliability is unmatched even in the harshest conditions. Red Ice is the great all-round Hi Vis beach and boat line. With a superb track record, it continues to be the favourite of thousands of anglers around the world and used by many in freshwater situations when a high visibility line is required.
20 zł

Złóż skargę
Ultima's hugely popular saltwater product, a favourite due to its exceptional combination of quality, strength and reliability. Red Ice has been specifically designed to cope with the rigours of rough, unpredictable ground. Designed using high quality copolymers Red Ice is very strong, extremely soft, highly abrasion resistant and casts superbly. It's reliability is unmatched even in the harshest conditions. Red Ice is the great all-round Hi Vis beach and boat line. With a superb track record, it continues to be the favourite of thousands of anglers around the world and used by many in freshwater situations when a high visibility line is required.
20 zł

Złóż skargę
Ultima's hugely popular saltwater product, a favourite due to its exceptional combination of quality, strength and reliability. Red Ice has been specifically designed to cope with the rigours of rough, unpredictable ground. Designed using high quality copolymers Red Ice is very strong, extremely soft, highly abrasion resistant and casts superbly. It's reliability is unmatched even in the harshest conditions. Red Ice is the great all-round Hi Vis beach and boat line. With a superb track record, it continues to be the favourite of thousands of anglers around the world and used by many in freshwater situations when a high visibility line is required.
20 zł

Złóż skargę
Ultima's hugely popular saltwater product, a favourite due to its exceptional combination of quality, strength and reliability. Red Ice has been specifically designed to cope with the rigours of rough, unpredictable ground. Designed using high quality copolymers Red Ice is very strong, extremely soft, highly abrasion resistant and casts superbly. It's reliability is unmatched even in the harshest conditions. Red Ice is the great all-round Hi Vis beach and boat line. With a superb track record, it continues to be the favourite of thousands of anglers around the world and used by many in freshwater situations when a high visibility line is required.
38 zł

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