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Kremy i toniki Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum 30ml 8885014070

Zdjęcia - Kremy i toniki Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum 30ml 8885014070
Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum 30ml 8885014070
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Kup Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum 30ml 8885014070

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Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum (30 ml) PMPCS03

Dostawa: w Polsce
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Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum - serum koryguj

Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum od Allies of Skin to serum do pielęgnacji na noc o imponujących możliwościach: Wypowiada wojnę przebarwieniom, rozszerzonym porom, długo utrzymującym się pryszczom i zaskórnikom, jednocześnie zapewniając równomierną i czystą teksturę skóry. Ekskluzywna formuła jest wzbogacona mleczkiem migdałowym, kwasem... więcejsalicylowym, ośmioma różnymi rozjaśniaczami, siedmioma przeciwutleniaczami i peptydami, a dzięki innowacyjnej mieszance składników zapewnia delikatne usuwanie martwych komórek naskórka i jednoczesne nawilżenie skóry. Kwas hialuronowy, niacynamid i niezbędne kwasy tłuszczowe z organicznego oleju z dzikiej róży i oleju tamanu zapewniają również wzmocnienie bariery ochronnej skóry. Organiczny bucuchiol minimalizuje widoczne oznaki starzenia się skóry, a różne peptydy zwalczają stany zapalne i produkcję melaniny, dzięki czemu skóra wygląda jaśniej przy regularnym, długotrwałym stosowaniu...
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Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum 30ml 8885014070

Deeply replenish your skin with the Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum. The lightweight formula glides effortlessly across your base, absorbing fast to avoid any kind of greasy, sticky residue being left behind. The innovative serum is enriched with 11% Mandelic, Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, brighteners and Peptides, which w... więcejork to minimise the appearance of uneven pigmentation and the look of enlarged pores. A cocktail of Antioxidants encourages a powerful protective barrier across your skin, shielding it from the potentially damaging consequences of harsh external aggressors.Instead of leaving skin feeling tight and stripped, the Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, a blend of essential Fatty Acids, Tamanu Oil and organic Rosehip Oil within the serum drenches your complexion in moisture, locking it in for long-lasting, touchable softness. The serum assists with purifying the pores, minimising the look of excess dead skin cells that can lead to breakouts and blemishes.Natural organic Bakuchiol, a renowned alternative to Retinol, encourages the illusion of a plumper, firmer complexion, while reducing the look of coarseness and tiredness. The sleek emerald packaging is destined to be an eye-catching addition to any bathroom, making the serum the ideal gift for any skincare enthusiast, or just a treat for yourself.
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
Deeply replenish your skin with the Allies of Skin Mandelic Pigmentation Corrector Night Serum. The lightweight formula glides effortlessly across your base, absorbing fast to avoid any kind of greasy, sticky residue being left behind. The innovative serum is enriched with 11% Mandelic, Lactic Acid, Salicylic Acid, brighteners and Peptides, which work to minimise the appearance of uneven pigmentation and the look of enlarged pores. A cocktail of Antioxidants encourages a powerful protective barrier across your skin, shielding it from the potentially damaging consequences of harsh external aggressors.Instead of leaving skin feeling tight and stripped, the Hyaluronic Acid, Niacinamide, a blend of essential Fatty Acids, Tamanu Oil and organic Rosehip Oil within the serum drenches your complexion in moisture, locking it in for long-lasting, touchable softness. The serum assists with purifying the pores, minimising the look of excess dead skin cells that can lead to breakouts and blemishes.Natural organic Bakuchiol, a renowned alternative to Retinol, encourages the illusion of a plumper, firmer complexion, while reducing the look of coarseness and tiredness. The sleek emerald packaging is destined to be an eye-catching addition to any bathroom, making the serum the ideal gift for any skincare enthusiast, or just a treat for yourself.
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