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Zabawka do kąpieli PlanToys Plan Toys Underwater World Bath Set

Zdjęcia - Zabawka do kąpieli PlanToys Plan Toys Underwater World Bath Set
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PlanToys Plan Toys Underwater World Bath Set
Little ones from 1 year old experience the greatest water fun with the wooden toys from the Plan Toys Underwater World Bath Set. The colourful set consists of a dolphin, a starfish, a turtle and a shell. They are filled with water through the small openings and you squeeze it out again. When your little one isn’t playing with the sea creatures, they float happily on the water. Your little one will find itself in some kinde of sea world during every bathing moment.
Content Plan Toys Underwater World Bath Set
- 1x dolphin
- 1x starfish
- 1x turtle
- 1x shell
- underwater world bath set
- age: 1+ years
- sizes: 5x5x15 cm.
- material: wood
- sustainable and responsible toys
- your little one imagines himself in the underwater world during every bathing moment
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