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Zabawka edukacyjna Little Dutch Spiral Tower

Zdjęcia - Zabawka edukacyjna Little Dutch Spiral Tower
od 81 

Little Dutch Kulodrom Blue

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Little Dutch Spiral Tower
od 81 

Kup Little Dutch Spiral Tower

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Little Dutch Kulodrom Blue

Kulodrom Blue od Little Dutch to spiralna wieża zapewniająca niekończącą się zabawę. Ten kolorowy zestaw składa się z pięciu subtelnie kolorowych części, któ...
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The littlest builders will have a lot of fun with the Little Dutch Spiral Tower. Stack the 5 coloured parts on top of each other and let the balls roll down. So exciting! Each layer has an opening on one side, through which the ball lands on the layer below. The different parts together form a kind of slide. Build the Little Dutch Spiral Tower differently every time so that it’s always a surprise how the balls will slide down. Except stimulating the hand-eye coordination, your little one also learns about cause and effect. Building your own, cheerful colours and balls which even make a sound when they roll down. All ingredients for endless fun!
- age: 10+ months
- material: plastic
- size: 30 x 18 x 18 cm.
Little Dutch Spiraaltoren
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