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Krem do opalania DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol 170320231200

Zdjęcia - Krem do opalania DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol 170320231200
DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol 170320231200
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Kup DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol 170320231200

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Dax Sun Nawilżająco- regenerująca emulsja do opalania z D-Pantenolem, SPF

Emulsja SPF 50 z D-Pantenolem zapewnia bezpieczeństwo delikatnej skórze o bardzo jasnej karnacji i wysokiej wrażliwości na promienie słoneczne. Skutecznie chroni przed promieniowaniem UVA, zmniejsza ryzyko wystąpienia alergii słonecznych oraz długoterminowych uszkodzeń na poziomie skóry właściwej.• Najwyższej jakości, fotostabilny system filtrów UV... więcejA/UVB, zgodny ze standardem UE, zapewnia skuteczną ochronę przed oparzeniem słonecznym. Chroni komórki skóry, zabezpiecza przed nieodwracalnymi uszkodzeniami wywoływanymi przez wolne rodniki.• Produkt ma wysoką wodoodporność, gwarantuje wyjątkową ochronę skóry również podczas długich kąpieli. Badania wykazały, że emulsja nie powoduje podrażnienia fototoksycznego.• Innowacyjna formuła zawiera D-Pantenol, który ma niezwykłe właściwości regenerujące i łagodzące. W połączeniu z naturalną gliceryną dodatkowo silnie nawilża oraz chroni przed nadmierną utratą wody i przesuszeniem podczas opalania.• Peptyd complex pobudza naturalny system naprawy DNA skóry oraz zabezpiecza ja przed niekorzystnym działaniem słońca, wiatru i wody.
Złóż skargę

DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol 170320231200

DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol The SPF 50 emulsion with D-panthenol ensures the safety of delicate skin with very light complexion and high sensitivity to the sun's rays. Effectively protects against UVA radiation, reduces the risk of solar allergies and long -term damage at the level of dermis. The highest quality UVA/UVB filter s... więcejystem, in line with the EU standard, provides effective protection against sunburn. Protects skin cells, protects against irreversible damage caused by free radicals. The product has high water resistance, guarantees exceptional skin protection also during long baths. Studies have shown that the emulsion does not cause phototoxic irritation. The innovative formula contains D-panthenol, which has unusual regenerating and soothing properties. In combination with natural glycerin, it additionally strongly moisturizes and protects against excessive water loss and dryness during sunbathing. The Complex peptide stimulates the natural DNA repair system and protects it against the adverse effects of sun, wind and water. Method of use: Apply profusely to the skin about 20 minutes before going out to the sun. To maintain the best protection, repeat the activity regularly (min. Every 2 hours) and after leaving the water or wipe the body with a towel. Avoid contact with eyes and clothing. Note: excessive sun in the sun can be a health threat. Avoid the sun especially from 11-15, even when you use protective preparations. Remember that no preparation with UV filters provides 100% protection. Capacity: 175ml
Złóż skargę
DAX SUN SPF50 tanning emulsion with D-Panetnol The SPF 50 emulsion with D-panthenol ensures the safety of delicate skin with very light complexion and high sensitivity to the sun's rays. Effectively protects against UVA radiation, reduces the risk of solar allergies and long -term damage at the level of dermis. The highest quality UVA/UVB filter system, in line with the EU standard, provides effective protection against sunburn. Protects skin cells, protects against irreversible damage caused by free radicals. The product has high water resistance, guarantees exceptional skin protection also during long baths. Studies have shown that the emulsion does not cause phototoxic irritation. The innovative formula contains D-panthenol, which has unusual regenerating and soothing properties. In combination with natural glycerin, it additionally strongly moisturizes and protects against excessive water loss and dryness during sunbathing. The Complex peptide stimulates the natural DNA repair system and protects it against the adverse effects of sun, wind and water. Method of use: Apply profusely to the skin about 20 minutes before going out to the sun. To maintain the best protection, repeat the activity regularly (min. Every 2 hours) and after leaving the water or wipe the body with a towel. Avoid contact with eyes and clothing. Note: excessive sun in the sun can be a health threat. Avoid the sun especially from 11-15, even when you use protective preparations. Remember that no preparation with UV filters provides 100% protection. Capacity: 175ml
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