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Wszystko dla lalek Sambro Disney Classic Soft Toy with Sound - Simba 30cm

Zdjęcia - Wszystko dla lalek Sambro Disney Classic Soft Toy with Sound - Simba 30cm

Sambro Disney Classic Soft Toy with Sound - Simba 30cm

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Sambro Disney Classic Soft Toy with Sound - Simba 30cm

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Sambro Disney Classic Soft Toy with Sound - Simba 30cm

The Disney Classic Stuffed Animal Plush from Simba is a cute addition to any stuffed toy collection. With a height of 30 centimeters, this plush is perfect for cuddling and holding. Press the paw and you will hear a sound. Kids will love the softness of the cuddly toy and the playful sound. Simba is an iconic Disney character who warms the hearts o... więcejf young and old alike. This plush is ideal as a gift or just to treat yourself to a piece of Disney magic.
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The Disney Classic Stuffed Animal Plush from Simba is a cute addition to any stuffed toy collection. With a height of 30 centimeters, this plush is perfect for cuddling and holding. Press the paw and you will hear a sound. Kids will love the softness of the cuddly toy and the playful sound. Simba is an iconic Disney character who warms the hearts of young and old alike. This plush is ideal as a gift or just to treat yourself to a piece of Disney magic.
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