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Brzeszczot do wyrzynarki Bosch Jigsaw blade T 144 DF 25 STK

Zdjęcia - Brzeszczot do wyrzynarki Bosch Jigsaw blade T 144 DF 25 STK

Bosch Jigsaw blade T 144 DF 25 STK

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Bosch Jigsaw blade T 144 DF 25 STK

Kup Bosch Jigsaw blade T 144 DF 25 STK

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Bosch Jigsaw blade T 144 DF 25 STK

For use with jigsaws featuring attachment systems with T-shanks. The T 144 DF Speed for Hard Wood jigsaw blade provides fast, straight cuts in wood. Its sharp, set teeth make quick work of cutting. The blade is made of BIM (bi-metal), and its fully hardened HSS (high-speed steel) tooth strip is attached to a high-elasticity HCS (carbon-rich steel)... więcejconstruction, making the blade suitable for cutting hard materials such as hardwood and abrasive woodworking materials. This product has a large progressive tooth height (4-5.2 mm) and can cut many different solid wood materials with a thickness of 5-50 mm.T 144 DF BIM, set, sharpened Hard and soft wood (5-50 mm), all types of panels including laminated.
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For use with jigsaws featuring attachment systems with T-shanks. The T 144 DF Speed for Hard Wood jigsaw blade provides fast, straight cuts in wood. Its sharp, set teeth make quick work of cutting. The blade is made of BIM (bi-metal), and its fully hardened HSS (high-speed steel) tooth strip is attached to a high-elasticity HCS (carbon-rich steel) construction, making the blade suitable for cutting hard materials such as hardwood and abrasive woodworking materials. This product has a large progressive tooth height (4-5.2 mm) and can cut many different solid wood materials with a thickness of 5-50 mm.T 144 DF BIM, set, sharpened Hard and soft wood (5-50 mm), all types of panels including laminated.
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