
Pozostałe dla bezpieczeństwa i wideo

 ceny na 4159 modele  
300 zł
wyczyść filtry
Szk?o plastikowe do punktu alarmowego MCP i EPP. Wymiary: 76 x 40 mm. Spe?nia norm? EN54 model. U?ywane do nacisku MCP i EPP.
58 zł

Złóż skargę
Czapka dla ESI-10, ESI-20 i ESI-60. U?ywana gdy sygnalizator d?wi?kowy jest zamontowany bez detektora.
96 zł

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Przegl?d produktuEfektywno?? instalacji, elastyczno?? i pe?ne zgodno?? z najnowszymi standardami s? kluczowe dla nowej serii wewn?trznych punktów alarmowych MCP. Czas instalacji i ostatecznie koszt s? niezwykle wa?ne dla ka?dego instalatora systemów przeciwpo?arowych lub bezpiecze?stwa. Seria MCP odzwierciedla t? potrzeb? poprzez zapewnienie unikalnego koncepcji pod??cz i graj, która zosta?a specjalnie zaprojektowana w celu skrócenia czasu instalacji. Wszystkie nowe produkty MCP wykorzystuj? specjalny blok terminali, do którego pod??czane s? wszystkie pocz?tkowe okablowania monta?owe. Ten blok terminali jest nast?pnie po prostu pod??czany do ty?u MCP. Proste, ale skuteczne rozwi?zanie bez konie…
Z prze??cznikiem zmiany w??cznie z podstaw? monta?ow? NO i NC, 30VDC, maks. 2A IP24 Tekst du?ski na froncie i szk?o. Zgodny z EN54-11.
Konwencjonalny sygnalizator d?wi?kowy. Czerwony. EN54-3. IP21.
Baza przeka?nika zawiera jednopolowy, bezpieczny napi?ciowo styk prze??czaj?cy urz?dzenia pomocnicze. Maksymalna warto?? kontaktu wynosi 30V 1A. Gdy detektor zmienia stan na alarmowy, przeka?nik jest zasilany, co powoduje zmian? stanu kontaktu. Kontakt pozostanie w tym stanie do momentu zresetowania detektora.
Konwencjonalny detektor optyczny. U?ywany na panelach Esco i ABDL 231.
Pokrywa dla punktu alarmowego typu MCPC nie mo?e by? u?yta dla EPP-20A i EPP-22A. Zamiast tego u?yj EMI06723702.
78 zł

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Uchwyt monta?owy do modu?ów AP200 na szyn? DIN
90 zł

Złóż skargę
Skrzynka na modu?y AP200
Inteligentna g??boka podstawa to baza monta?owa dla produktów Intellia, która ma zwi?kszon? g??boko??, co pozwala na wprowadzenie kabli do boku produktu.
53 zł

Złóż skargę
Zarezerwuj szk?o KAC, MCP i EPP pod ci?nieniem. Wymiary: 76 x 40 mm. Spe?nia norm? EN54 model. U?ywane do M500KAC, MCP i EPP pod ci?nieniem.
58 zł

Złóż skargę
Spacer for surface mounting of Sounder bases.
73 zł

Złóż skargę
Standardowa podstawa dla wszystkich detektorów bia?ych AP200 Wysoko?? 20 mm, Ø=102 mm. IP 20.
85 zł

Złóż skargę
Klucz testowy SC070 do wywo?ania. U?ywany dla ci?nienia M500KAC, MCP i EPP.
41 zł

Złóż skargę
Developed to illuminate any room with bright colors and designed to look neat, the FLOATING GRIP Wire light strip with RGB light takes wire light cables to a new level. This package includes 1M RGB light strip with with Bluetooth + Button control. Throught Bluetooth control the RGB light strip can be connected for the used to choose any color, make the light change to the beat of a song and choose between different color combinations to show. Furthermore the RGB light strip can be cut in the length needed. It's time to illuminate any room or device you like with the Premium RGB Light Strip by FLOATING GRIP. Length: 1M Bluetooth + Cutton control (control which colors to show and the beat of the …
Developed to illuminate any room with bright colors and designed to look neat, the FLOATING GRIP Wire light strip with RGB light takes wire light cables to a new level. This package includes 2M RGB light strip with with Bluetooth + Button control. Throught Bluetooth control the RGB light strip can be connected for the used to choose any color, make the light change to the beat of a song and choose between different color combinations to show. Furthermore the RGB light strip can be cut in the length needed. It's time to illuminate any room or device you like with the Premium RGB Light Strip by FLOATING GRIP. Length: 2M Bluetooth + Cutton control (control which colors to show and the beat of the …
Developed to illuminate any room with bright colors and designed to look neat, the FLOATING GRIP Wire light strip with RGB light takes wire light cables to a new level. This package includes 5M RGB light strip with with Bluetooth + Button control. Throught Bluetooth control the RGB light strip can be connected for the used to choose any color, make the light change to the beat of a song and choose between different color combinations to show. Furthermore the RGB light strip can be cut in the length needed. It's time to illuminate any room or device you like with the Premium RGB Light Strip by FLOATING GRIP. Length: 5M Bluetooth + Cutton control (control which colors to show and the beat of the …
With FESH SMART Camera - inside you can monitor the home, office, warehouse etc. - regardless of where you are and when you want it. The camera detects movement, takes a photo and at the same time sends a notification to your smartphone and you can see live what is going on. In addition, you can establish a conversation via the 2-way communication. Compact model that can be easily placed standing or on the wall. Let the FESH SMART Camera take a photo or record a video and get increased security. Using the FESH Cloud or SD card, your videos and pictures can be saved/stored. Read more about FESH Cloud. If you take a picture or record a video using the FESH app from the camera, this is saved in …
With FESH SMART Camera - inside you can monitor the home, office, warehouse etc. - regardless of where you are and when you want it. The camera detects movement, takes a photo and at the same time sends a notification to your smartphone and you can see live what is going on. In addition, you can establish a conversation via the 2-way communication. Compact model that can be easily placed standing or on the wall. Let the FESH SMART Camera take a photo or record a video and get increased security. Using the FESH Cloud or SD card, your videos and pictures can be saved/stored. Read more about FESH Cloud. If you take a picture or record a video using the FESH app from the camera, this is saved in …
This brilliant FESH SMART Doorbell notifies you on your mobile phone when someone rings the doorbell... wherever you are. Simply connect to your Wi-Fi and connect to the FESH app. The waterproof outdoor print is battery-free, power is generated by pressing the button. Indoor receiver (sounder) for the socket gives you 32 optional melodies in HQ quality, 4 volume levels and powerful LED light. Range up to 150 meters and the option to expand with up to 3 extra presses, e.g. for the back door (art no. 102055) and you can register and choose a different sound for each press. Can also be used as an alarm together with the other FESH products.
This brilliant FESH SMART Doorbell notifies you on your mobile phone when someone rings the doorbell... wherever you are. Simply connect to your Wi-Fi and connect to the FESH app. The waterproof outdoor print is battery-free, power is generated by pressing the button. Indoor receiver (sounder) for the socket gives you 32 optional melodies in HQ quality, 4 volume levels and powerful LED light. Range up to 150 meters and the option to expand with up to 3 extra presses, e.g. for the back door (art no. 102055) and you can register and choose a different sound for each press. Can also be used as an alarm together with the other FESH products.
Extra waterproof door pressure for e.g. back door for the FESH SMART Doorbell which notifies you on the phone when someone rings the doorbell. FESH SMART The pressure is battery-free. Power is generated by pressing the button. Can also be used as a notification and alarm button together with the doorbell.
Extra waterproof door pressure for e.g. back door for the FESH SMART Doorbell which notifies you on the phone when someone rings the doorbell. FESH SMART The pressure is battery-free. Power is generated by pressing the button. Can also be used as a notification and alarm button together with the doorbell.
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