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(5555923003) 16 A, Adapter cable for LAPP charging station Universal. The mains adapter directly connects the LAPP Universal charging station for EVs to a CEE socket - for easy charging at home or on the road. Simply connect the Type 2 coupling of the cable to the car and the CEE plug to the socket. The on-board electronics automatically starts and finishes the charging process. The LAPP charging station is suitable for plug-in hybrid (PHEV) and battery electric vehicles (BEV).
Charge Amps Luna naturally integrates into your home, ensuring it stays connected to your everyday needs. Whether you wish to charge your car using power from the grid or solar power, you can be confident that your household electric equipment will continue running as usual.
Charge Amps Pole Mount allows you to locate your charging station on a standard 60 mm diameter pole.
Manufactured from quality aluminium and designed in Sweden, Charge Amps Cable Holder is an aesthetic match for Charge Amps charging stations.
Charge Amps Pole Mount allows you to locate your charging station on a standard 60 mm diameter pole.
The Charge Amps Aura is OCPP-compatible and can be connected to preferred cloud service. This charging station allows you to charge two vehicles simultaneously with up to 22 kW per socket. Swedish industrial design that adds aesthetic value to your property.
The Charge Amps Aura is OCPP-compatible and can be connected to preferred cloud service. This charging station allows you to charge two vehicles simultaneously with up to 22 kW per socket. Swedish industrial design that adds aesthetic value to your property.
Charge Amps Amp Guard to inteligentny, pod??czony monitor mocy, który optymalizuje ?adowanie w stosunku do innych obci??e? w nieruchomo?ci. Ok. 75 kWh/dzie?. Charge Amps Amp Guard kontroluje pr?d ?adowania, aby go maksymalizowa? bez wywo?ywania wy??czenia bezpieczników. Charge Amps Amp Guard dzia?a z stacjami ?adowania Charge Amps Halo i Charge Amps Aura. Obs?uguje 100 A prosto z pude?ka, ale dost?pny jest równie? model o pojemno?ci 400 A. Jest interoperacyjny z instalacjami paneli s?onecznych Po??czony z us?ug? chmury za po?rednictwem WiFi lub LAN Instalacja DIN lub samodzielna Wymiary: 108 x 97 x 57 mm Aktualne USB:5 V,2A
Charge Amps Amp Guard to inteligentny, pod??czony monitor mocy, który optymalizuje ?adowanie w stosunku do innych obci??e? w nieruchomo?ci. Ok. 75 kWh/dzie?. Charge Amps Amp Guard kontroluje pr?d ?adowania, aby go maksymalizowa? bez wywo?ywania przepi??. Charge Amps Amp Guard dzia?a z stacjami ?adowania Charge Amps Halo i Charge Amps Aura. Obs?uguje 100 A prosto z pude?ka, ale dost?pny jest równie? model o pojemno?ci 400 A. Jest interoperacyjny z instalacjami paneli s?onecznych Po??czony z us?ug? chmury za po?rednictwem WiFi lub LAN Instalacja DIN lub samodzielna Wymiary: 108 x 97 x 57 mm Aktualne USB: 5 V, 2 A
Charge Amps Amp Guard is the perfect addition to our EV chargers. It is mounted in the electrical cabinet, easily connected to the EV charger via Charge Amps Cloud and together they enable load balancing.
Panel s?oneczny, 16, 18 V, 100 wat, z??cza wyj?ciowe: 5
Noark (102841) Wyłącznik nadprądowy 20 kA 80A 4-biegowy charakterystyka B 20kA...
634 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Noark (101765) Rozł. izol. DC do aplik. fotowolt. NOARK , szer. 4 moduły, 4-bieg., 63A, 1000V DC...
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Pojemność baterii
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Moc portu USB type C
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Moc ładowania (panel fotowoltaiczny)