
Pozostałe do akwariów Dohse

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The temperature in an aquarium is absolutely crucial for the well-being of an animal. Most aquarium inhabitants only feel comfortable at a temperature between 24 - 26° C This temperature should be maintained as precisely as possible. In contrast, temperatures of over 30° C and high temperature fluctuations often present problems for many plants and animals, and may weaken and harm them. Lighting, pumps, room temperature and solar radiation may cause the temperature in an aquarium to increase beyond healthy levels. The Aqua Cooler V6 cools aquaria from 300 l down to 4° C. The evaporation cooling reduces the temperature in the aquarium. Easy to install and suitable for glass panes or aquarium cov…
Kamienie jamiste s? doskonale przystosowane do odtwarzania naturalnych kryjówek i schronie? zgodnie z potrzebami zwierz?t. Poniewa? s? one prawie nierozró?nialne od prawdziwej ska?y, repliki skalne gwarantuj?, ?e podwodny krajobraz jest szczególnie bliski naturze. S? one idealne do projektowania akwariów oraz struktur skalnych w terrariach. Dzi?ki porowatej strukturze ?atwo mo?na równie? tworzy? kryjówki. To sprzyja dobremu samopoczuciu zwierz?t ?yj?cych w akwarium lub terrarium i stymuluje ich naturalne zachowanie. W przeciwie?stwie do naturalnych kamieni, skrajna lekko?? u?ytego materia?u zapobiega mo?liwym uszkodzeniom szk?a akwarium lub terrarium. Poniewa? s? wykonane z bezpiecznego, inert…
A solid natural stone which contains many pores, cavities and channels. Zeolith works in an adsorptive manner, i.e. environmental toxins and decayed products are directly attracted and retained by the system of cavities through strong electro-static fields. Zeolith encourages the formation of natural bacteria and Microbes and acts as an ion-exchanger and catalytic converter. A very practical reccomandation is to put the filter material in the HOBBY Net filter bag.
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