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Torebki damskie Childhome

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Childhome Walizka dziecięca Mini Traveller Teddy Childhome to belgijskie produkty o pięknym designie, wykonane w najwyższych standardach oraz wedle najsurows...
Kolejna odsłona pięknej Childhome Family Bag, wykonana z modnego pluszu. Ciesz się niezliczonymi, wspaniałymi podróżami ze swoja rodziną! Limitowana wersja z...
Style&functionality are top priority for the Childhome Mommy Bag (Big). As a mother you’ll be trendy and cool with this spacious diaper bag with comfortable shoulder strap. Show the world that you’re więcej→a proud mother! The Childhome Mommy Bag – Big has a 58 litres capacity and a maximum carrying weight of 10 kg. The bag features a storage compartment for dirty clothes and a foldable changing mat for on the go.
The Childhome Mommy Bag– Big has the following characteristics:
- trendy diaper bag
- capacity: 58 litres
- maximum carrying weight: 10 kg.
- dimensions: 55 x 30 x 40 cm.
- fabric: 100% nylon (outer fabric) and 100% polyester (filling and changing mat)
- clean with moi
Style&functionality are top priority for the Childhome Mommy Bag (Big). As a mother you’ll be trendy and cool with this spacious diaper bag with comfortable shoulder strap. Show the world that you’re więcej→a proud mother! The Childhome Mommy Bag – Big has a 58 litres capacity and a maximum carrying weight of 10 kg. The bag features a storage compartment for dirty clothes and a foldable changing mat for on the go.
The Childhome Mommy Bag– Big has the following characteristics:
- trendy diaper bag
- capacity: 58 litres
- maximum carrying weight: 10 kg.
- dimensions: 55 x 30 x 40 cm.
- fabric: 100% nylon (outer fabric) and 100% polyester (filling and changing mat)
- clean with moi
Style&functionality are top priority for the Childhome Mommy Bag (Big). As a mother you’ll be trendy and cool with this spacious diaper bag with comfortable shoulder strap. Show the world that you’re więcej→a proud mother! The Childhome Mommy Bag – Big has a 58 litres capacity and a maximum carrying weight of 10 kg. The bag features a storage compartment for dirty clothes and a foldable changing mat for on the go.
The Childhome Mommy Bag– Big has the following characteristics:
- trendy diaper bag
- capacity: 58 litres
- maximum carrying weight: 10 kg.
- dimensions: 55 x 30 x 40 cm.
- fabric: 100% nylon (outer fabric) and 100% polyester (filling and changing mat)
- clean with moi
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