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Kostiumy karnawałowe ANT

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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Small But Mighty You've spent your life sticking up for the little guy. You protect everything and everyone, from the "lowly" ant to the regal lion. You step over anthills, remove spiders humanely fro więcej→m your home, and even those speedy house centipedes stand a chance around you. Wow. You're practically a saint in our book! Of course, you know that sometimes the smallest, most "unimpressive" creatures are the most amazing, if you get to know them. Like ants! Ants can lift up to 20 times their body weight (you have been going to the gym for years and can't get even close to that, no offense). Ants are also expert foragers, expert trailblazers, and expert soldiers. They are pretty nifty little critters.…
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
Small But Mighty You've spent your life sticking up for the little guy. You protect everything and everyone, from the "lowly" ant to the regal lion. You step over anthills, remove spiders humanely fro więcej→m your home, and even those speedy house centipedes stand a chance around you. Wow. You're practically a saint in our book! Of course, you know that sometimes the smallest, most "unimpressive" creatures are the most amazing, if you get to know them. Like ants! Ants can lift up to 20 times their body weight (you have been going to the gym for years and can't get even close to that, no offense). Ants are also expert foragers, expert trailblazers, and expert soldiers. They are pretty nifty little critters.…
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
Small But Mighty You've spent your life sticking up for the little guy. You protect everything and everyone, from the "lowly" ant to the regal lion. You step over anthills, remove spiders humanely fro więcej→m your home, and even those speedy house centipedes stand a chance around you. Wow. You're practically a saint in our book! Of course, you know that sometimes the smallest, most "unimpressive" creatures are the most amazing, if you get to know them. Like ants! Ants can lift up to 20 times their body weight (you have been going to the gym for years and can't get even close to that, no offense). Ants are also expert foragers, expert trailblazers, and expert soldiers. They are pretty nifty little critters.…
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