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Pozostałe do wnętrz i dekoracji Gecko

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HECK NO, GECKO! Hey, did you forget to feed your gecko? It's not looking too hot. It looks pale and boney, oh wait, actually, those are his bones. Oh yeah, he's dead, he's definitely dead. Sorry, bro! Shouldn't we have a funeral or something? We should put this little guy to rest as soon as possible. Poor little lizard! It was so small and cool-looking and now he's dead and stiff. How tragic! Wait, what's that? That isn't actually the lifeless body of a pet gecko? That's not a real carcass? It's just a decoration? Whoa, consider our minds blown. PRODUCT DETAILS The 7-inch Gecko skeleton prop is a realistic decoration that can be placed in a glass aquarium to fool all your friends. It's created f…
9 zł
Dostawa: w Polsce
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