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Kostiumy karnawałowe Inspector

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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PENNY HAS TAKEN OVER! The crime-fighting inspector that took us all by storm in the '90s certainly had a number of amazing tricks up his sleeve.  Unfortunately, most of them didn't usually help in act więcej→ually solving any of the crimes that he was investigating!  That came down to the best component in all of Inspector Gadget's whole repertoire... his niece, Penny!  With her creative wit and go-get-'em tomboy attitude, it was certain that the baddies would lose and the case would be solved!  Well, it has been a long time since the '90s and Penny has grown up and is ready to take the mantle of the Inspector for once and for all.  No longer does she need to let her favorite Uncle take the credit for a…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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What would it be like to be half man and half machine? You could ask a few different sci-fi villains and probably get a bunch of different answers, but we're here to talk about only one man-machine to więcej→day and that's Inspector Gadget. He's not evil (we don't think). He can be dimwitted, but he's definitely not evil. He has high-fivin' hands coming out of his head, for Pete's sake! When Dr. CLAW is on the loose but he's in a helicopter, say. What do you do? Obviously you call on your trusty go-go Gadget helicopter head and fly after him. If Dr. CLAW is in a car you should call on your Gadget roller skates to skate after him. You get the idea. Inspector Gadget is prepared for anything. But what …
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
PENNY HAS TAKEN OVER! The crime-fighting inspector that took us all by storm in the '90s certainly had a number of amazing tricks up his sleeve.  Unfortunately, most of them didn't usually help in act więcej→ually solving any of the crimes that he was investigating!  That came down to the best component in all of Inspector Gadget's whole repertoire... his niece, Penny!  With her creative wit and go-get-'em tomboy attitude, it was certain that the baddies would lose and the case would be solved!  Well, it has been a long time since the '90s and Penny has grown up and is ready to take the mantle of the Inspector for once and for all.  No longer does she need to let her favorite Uncle take the credit for a…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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PENNY HAS TAKEN OVER! The crime-fighting inspector that took us all by storm in the '90s certainly had a number of amazing tricks up his sleeve.  Unfortunately, most of them didn't usually help in act więcej→ually solving any of the crimes that he was investigating!  That came down to the best component in all of Inspector Gadget's whole repertoire... his niece, Penny!  With her creative wit and go-get-'em tomboy attitude, it was certain that the baddies would lose and the case would be solved!  Well, it has been a long time since the '90s and Penny has grown up and is ready to take the mantle of the Inspector for once and for all.  No longer does she need to let her favorite Uncle take the credit for a…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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You'd think a detective that's been through what Inspector Gadget has would have learned a thing or two by now. Since M.A.D. seems to always have it out for him you would think his guard would be up. więcej→Not that we're judging too hard, after all the villains he's faced he must have a lot on his mind! Just imagine how scary it would be to have an evil robot version of yourself wandering around out there somewhere! Sure, it's not fair that the police department gave this poor detective so much responsibility and so little backup. Hey, wait! We can't focus on pitying Detective Gadget for long, let's spend some time envying him! Wouldn't it be awesome to put on your hat, say go-go gadget copter and …
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
You'd think a detective that's been through what Inspector Gadget has would have learned a thing or two by now. Since M.A.D. seems to always have it out for him you would think his guard would be up. więcej→Not that we're judging too hard, after all the villains he's faced he must have a lot on his mind! Just imagine how scary it would be to have an evil robot version of yourself wandering around out there somewhere! Sure, it's not fair that the police department gave this poor detective so much responsibility and so little backup. Hey, wait! We can't focus on pitying Detective Gadget for long, let's spend some time envying him! Wouldn't it be awesome to put on your hat, say go-go gadget copter and …
Dostawa: w Polsce
Złóż skargę
What would it be like to be half man and half machine? You could ask a few different sci-fi villains and probably get a bunch of different answers, but we're here to talk about only one man-machine to więcej→day and that's Inspector Gadget. He's not evil (we don't think). He can be dimwitted, but he's definitely not evil. He has high-fivin' hands coming out of his head, for Pete's sake! When Dr. CLAW is on the loose but he's in a helicopter, say. What do you do? Obviously you call on your trusty go-go Gadget helicopter head and fly after him. If Dr. CLAW is in a car you should call on your Gadget roller skates to skate after him. You get the idea. Inspector Gadget is prepared for anything. But what …
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