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Kostiumy karnawałowe Icon

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Dostawa: w Polsce
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This is an exclusive Women's Plus Size WWII Icon Costume.
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Can Do Kind Of Gal The World War Two effort involved everyone. It wasn't just about the men fighting the battles, people back home needed to contribute. Old women took apart clothing to sew and knit b więcej→andages, mittens, and warm socks for the soldiers on the front. Children harvested milkweed for life jackets. Families saved fat drippings to make soap for the folks abroad. Stepping up was a matter of civic duty. So when it came to building ships, preparing artillery, and riveting together planes, women proudly stepped up to the plate! With so many of the young men fighting overseas, there was an overwhelming amount of work to be done at home but it wasn't long before the nation's men and women c…
Dostawa: w Polsce
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Can Do Kind Of Gal The World War Two effort involved everyone. It wasn't just about the men fighting the battles, people back home needed to contribute. Old women took apart clothing to sew and knit b więcej→andages, mittens, and warm socks for the soldiers on the front. Children harvested milkweed for life jackets. Families saved fat drippings to make soap for the folks abroad. Stepping up was a matter of civic duty. So when it came to building ships, preparing artillery, and riveting together planes, women proudly stepped up to the plate! With so many of the young men fighting overseas, there was an overwhelming amount of work to be done at home but it wasn't long before the nation's men and women c…
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